IST has been holding open house sessions every other Friday morning, mostly to bring the campus up to date about some of the major projects that are going on, such as the financial systems project and the new telephones. Black added that the open house after that one, June 6, will be titled "Anatomy of a Project" and will tell something about how these various projects are organized, managed and carried out.
He was speaking briefly at the beginning of Friday's open house, which dealt with the Tri-University Library Systems Project.
Later in the session, UW associate librarian Mark Haslett said that the goal of the Tri-University project is "a common integrated database" plus "shared library and technical expertise" among UW, Wilfrid Laurier University and the University of Guelph.
He said the new library circulation system and on-line public catalogue, using the Voyager technology that the three universities are installing, will likely be in operation in January 1998.
Says a YUFA news release: "Both negotiating teams have agreed to recommend acceptance of the mediator's recommended terms of settlement to their principals (in YUFA's case, the YUFA Executive) as the best that can be achieved without indefinitely prolonging the strike."
The administration hasn't explicitly said that it is accepting Burkett's proposals. but a statement says: "We believe the mediator's recommended terms of settlement address flexible retirement, redress salary inequities that have arisen over the past ten years, and move to regain York's position in the university system." As for YUFA, its Web site says that a general meeting of faculty members on Friday passed several strong resolutions against the settlement. However, YUFA members will vote on it tomorrow (Tuesday) from 11:30 to 2:30 at a hotel near the campus, and in the meantime there will be no picket lines at York.
The Burkett settlement includes details about pensions (a major issue in the strike), salaries and workload. If it's ratified, York will hold make-up classes for winter term courses starting on Wednesday, and exams will run from May 24 to June 11.
Between now and then, there are things to know and to do, the co-op department advises. Tomorrow brings the first of this term's series of career development workshops, to be held at 9:30 in Needles Hall room 1030. Anyone interested should see the Career Resource Centre ahead of time, and pick up a green information sheet.
Work reports from the winter term are due by 4:30 p.m. tomorrow (Tuesday) for students in most faculties.
The UW-based Carousel Dance Centre presents a concert in the Humanities Theatre Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 7:00. On the program are "The Wizard of Oz", "Motion in Dance" (said to be inspired by paintings of the Group of Seven, with music by the Rheostatics), and "The Gift", based on poetry by Ruth Churchill Peppler, with music by Hagood Hardy. Tickets are $12, students $9, at the Humanities box office.
Hot water and steam will be shut off tomorrow morning, from 7:30 to 10:30, in Engineering III, Carl Pollock Hall, and parts of Engineering I, the plant operations department advises. The shutoff is to allow repair work to a steam leak in a service tunnel.
The vehicle-type odometer was invented by William Clayton, who was part of the 1847 Mormon trek across the central United States to Utah in covered wagons. Until he devised a machine to keep track, distance was measured by counting the revolutions of a wagon wheel with a marker tied to it.
May 12, 1978: The Engineering Society, saying the Federation of Students has improved its record of mismanagement, drops a campaign to have engineering students take back their Federation fees.
Editor of the Daily Bulletin: Chris Redmond
and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo --
(519) 888-4567 ext. 3004
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