Daily Bulletin
University of Waterloo -- Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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Thursday, March 27, 1997
No news on staff salaries
Today is payday, for faculty and most staff members, and here's
an advisory for non-union staff: the total
you see on today's pay slip is likely the same total you'll see in
a couple of months.
Whether staff will get a pay increase this year hasn't been
decided yet, and the decision won't be made in time for anything to be
done by the traditional May 1 date.
"We've been meeting regularly since the beginning of the year," Catharine
Scott, associate provost (human resources and student services), said
yesterday in an update from the staff compensation committee. "We've got
a number of ideas under review. It's unlikely we're going to be able to
make a recommendation to the provost before May. But we're working
on it!"
The committee -- which includes members of management and
representatives of the staff association -- is "trying to look at all
the variables in the process", she said.
It hasn't decided for or against recommending
a pay increase in 1997, Scott also said, adding that there
are "a variety of ways to consider compensation", and that the
committee has some "creative" ideas under discussion.
"We're very positive about what we're doing," she said. Much of
the committee's work involves looking at comparative data about
salaries, and last year's salary increases, in other universities and
at other employers, especially in Kitchener-Waterloo. Committee
members will also be keeping in mind
that there are salary negotiations this spring between UW and two
other employee groups, the faculty association and Canadian Union of
Public Employees local 793.
Scott added that the committee has finished its work on a proposed new
performance appraisal form for staff, and will be sending it out for
comment across campus in May.
Of cabbages and kings
Today will be Bike Day in the Student Life Centre outdoor
rotunda. Events run from 10:00 to 5:00 -- you can get a bell installed
on your bike or get help with minor repairs, take a look at bicycle
accessories you may not have tried, and (at 1:00) bid in an auction
of used bikes. It's all sponsored by the Bicycle Centre, which lives
in the basement of the SLC.
The astronomy research group will
hold open houses at the Gustav Bakos Observatory tonight, Friday and
Saturday to let people get a close look at
Hale-Bopp. Each evening -- weather permitting, of course -- the
open house starts at 8:30 p.m. in Physics room 308.
Graphics Express continues its "hip-hoppin'" pre-Easter deals today,
with "chocolate egg discounts" and 20 per cent off personalized T-shirts
and mouse pads "with a free Easter bunny transfer on the sleeve". (Funny,
my mouse pad doesn't even have sleeves!)
UW's long-running play
"Single and Sexy" will
be staged again this year, says Denise Angove of the health services
department. She's announced auditions for the 1997 production, to be held
Thursday, April 10, from 3:30 to 6:30 in Humanities room 180.
More information: Darlene Spencer, the director, at darlene@yorku.ca.
Good Friday and Easter weekend
The balmy weather puts one in mind of an
Easter weekend, and
sure enough, that's what's at hand.
Tomorrow is Good Friday and a holiday. UW offices and most services
will be closed, and classes will not be held. Here are
notes, so far as I have them, on specifics of what's in operation
at Waterloo over the weekend:
Quite apart from being a holiday weekend, this season is
a solemn and
exciting time for practising Christians, commemorating as it does
the crucifixion (on Good Friday) and resurrection (on Easter Sunday)
of Jesus of
Special services will be taking place
UW's Renison College (Anglican) and St. Jerome's College
(Roman Catholic)
as they are at places of worship around the world:
- Maundy Thursday (tonight), 7 p.m., Holy Communion and Foot-Washing,
St. Bede's Chapel at Renison; Mass, 8 p.m., Siegfried Hall,
St. Jerome's.
- Good Friday, 10:30 a.m., Devotions on the Seven Words from the
Cross, at Renison; Family Service, 1 p.m., St. Jerome's; Community
Service, 3 p.m., St. Jerome's.
- Saturday, 7 p.m., Easter Vigil and Holy Communion, 7 p.m.,
Renison; Easter Vigil, 8 p.m., St. Jerome's (no 5 p.m. Mass).
- Sunday, 10:30 a.m., Holy Communion, Renison; 9:30 a.m. and
11:30 a.m., Mass, St. Jerome's (no 7 p.m. Mass this week).
And the congregations will hear such texts as the words of
Luke (chapter 24, verse 5): "Why seek ye the living among the dead? He
is not here, but is risen."

March 27, 1973: About 150 students attend an open meeting with the
dean of mathematics to support faculty member William Wadge, of the
department of applied analysis and computer science, whose contract
is not being renewed.
Editor of the Daily Bulletin: Chris Redmond
and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca --
(519) 888-4567 ext. 3004
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