Some 50 students have been nominated for the eight awards, which for the first time this year will each include a bursary thanks to Anderson Consulting, Toronto, and a UW alumni employee who made the connection. Keynote speaker will be Catherine Coleman, Federation of Students president for 1993-94 and now involved with UW again as a "community-at-large" member of the board of governors.
Tickets are available at the Fed office in the Student Life Centre.
The partner is Sybase Inc., whose Waterloo site is the former Watcom Inc. Established three decades ago to market UW-developed software, Watcom became part of Powersoft Corporation in 1994, and Powersoft merged with Sybase the following year. So what was a small UW company with close ties to the university's Computer Systems Group is now part of a firm that describes itself as "a worldwide leader in distributed, open computing solutions with record revenues in 1996 of over $1 billion".
The "partnership" will be celebrated with an April 11 reception in the Davis Centre. Says the invitation, circulated this week from the development and alumni affairs office: "Sybase Inc. has provided outstanding support for ongoing and new projects at the University of Waterloo in the Faculty of Mathematics and the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing. Sybase's founding support has assisted the University in establishing the Canadian Computing Competition, National Scholarships in Computer Science and the Canadian Mathematics Seminar, as well as other important initiatives."
A seminar on "Getting the Internet Ready for Mathematics", sponsored by the UW Infranet Project and led by Benton Leong of Waterloo Maple Inc., starts at 3:30 this afternoon in Davis Centre room 1304. "Recent attempts have been made," his abstract says, "to build a language for mathematics suitable for communications on the Web and between products that display, compute, and otherwise use mathematics." He'll talk about some of them.
The Laurel Room in South Campus Hall will be open tomorrow with an Easter lunch special -- chicken teriyaki, pork loin with wild mushroom sauce, rigatoni with Italian sausage, and other good things including "Chocolate Easter Swirl". The price is $9.95 plus tax; reservations, ext. 3198.
Several graphic services locations will be closed at noontime tomorrow as staff get together to mark the retirement of a cherished colleague, Bob Garbig of the bindery. Staying open will be the engineering copy centre, Graphics Express, and the environmental studies copy centre; expect other copy locations to be closed from 11:30 to 1:00 tomorrow.
You can buy Girl Guide cookies in the Student Life Centre
tomorrow, says math student Jen Alexander, who serves as
a "Link" with the 13th Waterloo Guides. She promises a further
enticement, and these are her words, not mine: "The girls
selling cookies will be those in the adorable 18-30 years old range. We
are called Links." She adds that Girl
Guides have been selling cookies in Ontario since 1929 -- don't
worry, tomorrow's batch hasn't been around that long -- and cookie
sales are now the largest source of Guide revenue "to provide
programs relevant to today's women".
Editor of the Daily Bulletin: Chris Redmond
and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo --
(519) 888-4567 ext. 3004
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