UW president James Downey has been invited and hopes to attend, says Ann Marie Gillen, director of the Early Childhood Education Centre in the psychology department, one of the four centres involved. The other three are Paintin' Place in the Married Student Apartments; the Clemmer Farmhouse Co-operative Day Nursery; and the Hildegard Marsden Co-operative Day Nursery.
Children from infancy through six-year-olds will be part of the celebration.
The event is "Pianoscapes and Landscapes", starring two grandsons of UW founder Ira G. Needles. They are pianist Michael Jones and playwright Dan Needles, who will perform together in the Theatre of the Arts that evening (it's a Saturday) at 8:00.
Tickets are available to staff association members only on Tuesday, at $12 per member, $15 per guest. After June 20, remaining tickets are available for general sale. You can get them from the staff association office, Davis Centre room 3603 (cash or cheque) or the Humanities box office (cash or plastic).
Among many other sessions, there's a workshop (led by UW's Ralph Chou) on "Computer Vision Syndrome": "Management of the patient complaining of computer vision syndrome is discussed. Strategies for optical correction, optimal visual ergonomics, and counselling are reviewed." (In another sign of the times, the workshops move away from the strictly optometric; there's a one-hour session on how to write HTML, the code in which Web pages are created, and another on how to choose computer hardware.)
George Woo, lately retired from UW and now at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, will give the big event of the weekend: the fourth annual Emerson Woodruff Lecture, honouring one of the pioneers of UW's optometry school. He'll speak Saturday evening at 7 (in Optometry room 347) on "Measurement and Interpretation of Visual Acuity and Contrast Sensitivity in a Low Vision Examination".
Engineering students are -- if I'm to believe the Enginewsletter -- holding a slave auction in POETS Pub over the noon hour today.
Gordon Nelson of the geography department will be leading a family field tour along the Lake Erie shore this weekend, exploring "Carolinian Landscapes", forests and marshes. It's the third in a series of weekend trips organized by the Heritage Resources Centre.
The Vietnamese Student
Association will hold a big barbecue and
picnic at Waterloo Park tomorrow, from noon to 9 p.m. Tickets are
$4; more information's available from Dien Le, dm2le@calum.
As spring dance recitals continue, the Waterloo Dance Centre shows itself off in the Humanities Theatre Saturday night and Sunday afternoon.
Editor of the Daily Bulletin: Chris Redmond
and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca --
(519) 888-4567 ext. 3004
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