![]() Book that defined Canada"Canada as Vertical Mosaic: John Porter's Enduring Image" is the title for this year's faculty of arts lecture, to be given tonight by Richard Helmes-Hayes of the department of sociology. He'll speak at 7:30 p.m. in the Humanities Theatre.He's talking about John Porter's The Vertical Mosaic: An Analysis of Class and Power in Canada, a classic of Canadian social thought, published in 1965. (Helmes-Hayes organized a conference about Porter's book in 1995 to mark its 30th anniversary. Canada as a "vertical mosaic" remains an important image or model for the understanding of this peculiar country. In his lecture tonight, Helmes-Hayes will provide insight into the life and times of John Porter and discuss the historical and current relevance of the book and the national image it made famous. |
Says Bonnie Bender in the registrar's office: "We have added images and many more links in order to make the Calendar much more user-friendly. We will continue to make the Calendar even more user-friendly on an on-going basis."
Also available on the Web as of this week is the fall and winter 1997-98 course offerings list, just in time for preregistration, which is scheduled for March 3-7. The fall and winter courses (along with an updated version of the spring and summer list) can be found on the scheduling office's home page at http://www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/infosche.
The winter 1997 final examination schedule will be available on the Web sometime during the week of March 17, says Marita Williams in the scheduling office.
Hard copies of the 1997-98 calendar (that means copies on paper -- it's not a comment on their obscurity) are expected to be available in the reception area of the registrar's office, second floor of Needles Hall, this Friday, February 28. If you are a registered student, you are entitled to one free copy of the calendar in the 1997-98 year, and you can get it by presenting your WatCard. If you need another copy during this period for any reason, you will have to buy it at the UW bookstore for $7 plus tax.
Bender has advice for departments across campus that link to the calendar from their own web pages: If you have links to the 1996-97 Calendar, they do not have to be changed for the 1997-98 Calendar, with two big exceptions. "The URL for the content pages of each chapter has been made consistent. For example, the URL for the contents page for the Arts program is ARTS/index.html instead of ARTS/artstop.html. And the Engineering chapter was re-structured to the extent that the majority of the URLs within the chapter had to be changed. The URLs for each chapter of the Calendar will continue to stay the same. If there is major re-structuring within a chapter as in the Engineering chapter for 97-98, then the URLs are subject to change."
Staff and faculty members will get their T4 slips -- those multi-copy bits of paper that say exactly how much you earned in 1996 -- early this week. They are to be sent out today, says payroll manager Carol Wooten. "Employees on regular monthly and biweekly payrolls for January should expect to receive them in their departments on campus. Others will be mailed to last payroll address on file."
Serving with Stewart, of the plant operations mechanical section, will be first vice-president James Cairney (plant ops buildings section); second VP Steven Woods (food services); treasurer Murray Hill (mechanical); secretary John Rodrigo (custodial section); and chief steward Robert McGarrie (mechanical). A full list of stewards and other officers will be posted on bulletin boards, Stewart said this morning.
The upgrade to the campus Meridian Voice Mail system was completed successfully this weekend. The old system was taken down at 8:15 last Friday evening and the upgraded system was back in service early Saturday morning at 4:15. All the recorded messages are now stored on two disks so the failure of any one hard disk will not be noticed and the capacity to store messages has been increased by about 50 percent.
February 23, 1966: Security officers go on duty to inspect briefcases at the exit from the Arts Library.
February 24, 1975: After construction delays, a bar opens in the Festival Room of South Campus Hall under UW's new "blanket" liquor licence.
Editor of the Daily Bulletin: Chris Redmond
and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca --
(519) 888-4567 ext. 3004
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the Bulletin |
Friday's Bulletin
Copyright © 1997 University of Waterloo