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Daily Bulletin

University of Waterloo -- Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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Thursday, April 10, 1997

Beyond Mr. Gutenberg's invention

UW, the University of Guelph and Wilfrid Laurier University have announced a "Presidents' Forum on Scholarly Communication", to be held May 5 at Ron Eydt Village. The idea is "to explore issues relating to the changing world of scholarly communication", how ideas and research findings are published and disseminated in the Internet era.

Three main sessions are planned: "New Technology from the Scholar's Perspective", "Publishing in the 21st Century", and "Practical Applications", such as the electronic publishing of journals. There will also be a demonstration of the Electronic Publishing Promotion Project operated by SchoolNet.

Says a flyer that's being distributed on campus this week from the library office, which is organizing the event:

The phenomenal increase in the body of published knowledge combined with the advances in electronic and communications technologies have dramatically altered the behaviour of scholars and provide a wealth of opportunities for researchers and students. This evolution is not, however, painless; neither should it take place without direction from those individuals and institutions who will be most affected by its outcome.
High on the list of those "individuals" are faculty members, who are being invited to the event; registrations are due by April 21.

Taking part in the day's panels will be several faculty members, librarians and other staff from the three sponsoring universities and a few from further afield. "Setting the Scene" for the first half-hour of the day will be Sally Brown, senior vice-president of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. She'll talk about the AUCC task force report on "Academic Libraries and Scholarly Communication", issued last fall.

Four teaching workshops today

Faculty members, instructors, teaching assistants -- all are welcome today to learn more about curriculum and chalk. Participants in the four workshops (being sponsored by the teaching resource office) were asked to register in advance, but there might just be empty seats. The four sessions: The workshops are being held in Math and Computer room 4058.

From synergy to action

The Pragma Council, made up of alumni and other professionals who advise the school of urban and regional planning, holds its spring meeting today and tomorrow. The theme for this conference is a real mouthful:
Equity, Economy and Environment: Synergy, Strategic Planning, Investment and Initiatives/Action
First major speaker this morning is Julie White, president of the Trillium Foundation, on "Caring Communities: The Civil Society in a Global Economy". Later sessions today will deal with Toronto's Dufferin Mall, with health care ("A Right of Human Passage") and with the environment "and issues of equity and economy". The dean of environmental studies provides lunch (in the ES I courtyard) and there's a dinner at the Laurel Room, for which the speaker will be David Carter of the Waterfront Regeneration Trust.

Tomorrow morning, the council continues its meeting with a session on "Some New Strategic Alliances Emerging in American Cities", followed by an update on what's happening in the planning school from its director, Ross Newkirk.

Other things happening today

Busloads of schoolchildren will be heading for the Humanities Theatre to hear performances (at 10:00 and 1:30) by Matt Maxwell, who, I understand, sings kiddies' rock-and-roll in French.

Graduate students are invited to an information session on graduate student fees, starting at 3 p.m. in Needles Hall room 3001. A similar session will be held Tuesday, April 22, at 10:30 a.m., same location.

The English Language Proficiency Examination will be given at 7:00 tonight in the main gym of the Physical Activities Complex -- what a curtain-raiser for the winter exam period! All students who haven't fulfilled their faculty's English proficiency requirement should be there or be square.

Auditions for next fall's production of "Single and Sexy", the famous and long-running UW play about the social lives of students, will be held today. "No audition piece is required," says producer Denise Angove of UW's health services department. "Wear comfortable clothing." Auditions run from 3:30 to 6:30 in Humanities room 180, the studio theatre.

Tomorrow (snow's coming back)

The Friday open house conducted by the information systems and technology department deals with the UW student computing environment. The event "is particularly intended for faculty and staff who work in the admissions, development, and liaison areas. We will be presenting the campus computing network in general, facilities available to all students, including access to site-licensed software, and plans for student network access from the residences. Representatives of UW retail services will also be describing a new line of computers developed with a group of Canadian universities to provide good value for money and a more supportable student, faculty, and staff platform than has been available in the past." The open house starts at 10:00 in Davis Centre room 1302.

For senior and graduate students who want to put together a curriculum vitae and cover letter, the teaching resource office will hold a "critiquing session" starting at 12 noon. Anyone who would like to take part should register by calling ext. 3132 (e-mail trace@watserv1).

And need I add that exams begin tomorrow?


April 10, 1974: A special meeting of the Graduate Club is held to discuss the possibility of voting on unionization for graduate teaching assistants.

Editor of the Daily Bulletin: Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca -- (519) 888-4567 ext. 3004
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