TRACE offers this description of how to submit a nomination:
A nomination can be made in a typed or legible handwritten letter, approximately 1 to 2 pages in length, addressed to: Dr. James Kalbfleisch, Chair, Selection Committee, Distinguished Teacher Awards, c/o Teaching Resources and Continuing Education (TRACE), Math and Computer Bldg. Room 4055, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1. Nominations may be mailed, hand delivered or faxed into the office. We can not accept nominations that have been e-mailed; a letter must include a signature. If a return address is appended to letter, an acknowledgment letter will be provided. It is important to note that if a number of people intend to sign a single letter, a comment must be included by each person who signs the letter in order to verify their support for the person being nominated for the Distinguished Teacher Award. A sample letter is not available as every professor and experience are unique.Documentation about the awards also notes that "Quality of nominations is more important than quantity. That is, supportive letters from a number of persons are more indicative of the nominee's favourable and lasting influence than a single letter with hundreds of signatures appended. Serious consideration for awards is usually limited to files containing a great deal more cumulative evidence and support than the required minimum." In short, it's wise to have a look at TRACE's full description of the nomination and selection process.
The nomination deadline this year is February 7. More information:
TRACE at ext. 3132.
![]() Brad Bart, Drew Gillen, Matt Walsh and Kevin Purbhoo of the UW Bridge Club begin a 24-hour bridge marathon at 9:30 this morning, in the Math and Computer comfy lounge. "We're doing it to entertain people who are interested in the game of Bridge," says Bart. "I trust we'll be exceptionally entertaining from the twelfth hour until the end. We are also getting pledges for this special event." Welcome are cash pledges for the club, non-perishable food donations for the local Food Bank, or "perishable food donations, with proceeds going to the players". |
Then tomorrow all the festivities of Homecoming get going -- including the Naismith basketball tournament, which kicks off at 12 noon (York vs. Laurier), and the Red Green Show in the evening.
Editor of the Daily Bulletin:
Chris Redmond Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo -- (519) 888-4567 ext. 3004 Comments to the editor | About the Bulletin | Yesterday's Bulletin Copyright 1996 University of Waterloo |