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University of Waterloo -- Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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Thursday, May 23, 1996
Spring convocation, day two
This afternoon's convocation ceremony, starting at 2:00 in the Physical
Activities Complex, is for graduates from the faculty of arts. Most things
will be as they always are for convocation -- including, I'd judge,
the crowds and the heat -- but instead of speeches after the honorary
degrees are presented, the PAC this afternoon will resound to the
strains of
Old Hundredth
as well as "The Hour Has Come". The music is provided by members of the
Kitchener-Waterloo Philharmonic Choir, as its conductor, Howard Dyck,
is receiving an honorary degree.
The other honorary degree this afternoon goes to Jean Forest, Alberta
educator who has been much involved in the "sexuality, marriage and the
family" program at St. Jerome's College. Among other honours to be
- Distinguished Professor Emeritus status to Larry Haworth, lately
retired from the department of philosophy.
- The alumni association gold medal, for the top graduating student
in arts, to Kimberley Mullin (economics and German).
- The Governor-General's silver medal to Helena Wing-Yee Chu
Valedictorian on behalf of the graduating class will be Stephanie
McCarthy, receiving a degree in drama and speech communication.
A special convocation note: please don't eat the daisies. Or rather,
please don't swipe the flowers from the stage. That's happened at
some previous convocation ceremonies, apparently, and the UW greenhouse
crew would appreciate not losing any flowers and pots this year.
Anglican educators gather
Renison College plays host today, tomorrow and Saturday to the annual
conference of Anglican College Heads. "Participants are from all
over Canada," reports Virginia Herridge, assistant to the principal at
Renison, "with the addition of an invited guest, Rev. Canon John C.
Powers, from the USA. Canon Powers is the General Secretary of the
Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion, a worldwide
association based in New York. The meeting is to discuss issues of
common concern, funding, development, and the role of Anglican colleges
in the international organisation."
Planners meet to advise UW
The Pragma Council, which meets twice a year under the auspices of the
of urban and regional planning, has its spring meeting on campus
today and most of tomorrow. The group, made up of Waterloo alumni and
other people in the planning profession, both advises the UW planning
school and trades insights into major issues in the field.
This week's meeting continues the Pragma Council's preoccupation with
Metropolitan Toronto, taking as its theme "The Greater Toronto Area:
Moving to Government and Tax Reform?" Former mayor and former cabinet
minister David Crombie, who received an honorary degree yesterday,
gives this morning's opening talk, and other key figures in Toronto
regional planning will be heard from.
Retirement parties and other things
Happening today on campus:
- The local branch of
CASI/SEDS (check out their
Web page for the full name, which is too long to use here) sponsors
a noontime session entitled "Why Planes Crash". Says a blurb:
"Explore three major commercial airline crashes in detail and the factors
that led to them! This video explores the interaction of human beings
with advanced technology and discusses the advantages and disadvantages
of automated cockpit equipment." Time: 12:30. Location: Davis Centre room 1304.
- Eric Hultman, recipient of one of yesterday's honorary degrees,
gives a talk at 3:30 p.m. (Davis Centre 1302) about his research on
human metabolism -- including his work on carbo-loading for athletes.
A reception in his honour follows the talk.
- There's an open house at
graphic services
headquarters in the General Services Complex, from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m., in
honour of three key staff members who are retiring: Dave Bartholomew,
Dick Bechtel, and Bob Neal.
- A retirement reception runs from 4 to 6 p.m. at the University Club
in honour of Joan Proulx, retiring from UW's telephone services.
The reason for the busy signal
Starting today, says Ginny Polai in the telephone services department,
some UW extension phones won't be able to reach directory assistance
at "411". They're the same phones that are hobbled so they can't make
long distance calls. Directory assistance costs UW money (about 83
cents a pop), just like long distance, and as of today, such calls are
being blocked.
Looking ahead to the picnic
The annual Community Campaign picnic is to be held Tuesday, June 4,
says Meredith McGinnis in the development office. "Let's forget about
the changes and challenges for a few hours," she suggests, "and have some
fun in the sun!"
The picnic that day will run from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the Davis
Centre lawn (with Federation Hall as the rain site). There will be
"hot dogs prepared by celebrity chefs", cake, drinks, "some good
old-fashioned games" including volleyball and croquet, and
entertainment by such groups as the Pandemonium Blues Band and Blue Stew,
made up of on-campus people.
Chris Redmond -- credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca
and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 ext. 3004
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