Daily Bulletin
University of Waterloo -- Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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Thursday, June 20, 1996
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"Classrooms without walls" funding
The Ontario government
has announced $4 million in funding "to make it possible
for more college and university students to take credit courses through
computers and video". Almost $1 million of the funding is going for
systems for transferring credits from one university to another, or
between universities and colleges.
Council of Ontario Universities and
the Association of Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology of Ontario will
get a quarter of a million dollars to set up an "Advanced Training
There will be another $1 million to support "demonstration projects
recommended the Consortium".
COU said a news release that "The money will allow colleges
and universities to work together to plan, co-ordinate and set up new
joint academic programs. The focus will be on projects that can work both
in the institutions that create them and that can serve as models
for others."
COU gets another $710,000 to establish "a province-wide electronic
credit transfer system for Ontario universities".
Work on
such a system was already under way, with UW assistant registrar
Karen LeDrew heading the project.
Other projects getting special grants under what the ministry of
education and training calls its "Open Learning Strategy" involve
distance learning in northern Ontario ($2 million for the Contact North
network) and "a network of distance educators" to be administered
by the University of Western Ontario and Le College des Grands Lacs.
Science and Society launch
There's a small celebration at the University of Guelph at noontime
today to officially launch "Science and Society",
a project being introduced
jointly by UW and U of G with special funding from donor
Ken Murray.
"Science and Society" is described as "a teaching, research and
communications project addressing the ethics and societal implications
of new technologies".
American VP speaks at MIT
Al Gore, vice-president of the United States,
the convocation
address June 7 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
comparing computer networking with democracy and telling students
that "fear of chaos cannot justify unwarranted censorship of free
speech," on or off the Internet.
Gore, known as the man who made "information highway" a household
phrase, developed his talk after sending electronic mail to all MIT's
graduating seniors, asking them for suggestions and for details
that would help him bring his speech to life. More than 100 students
responded, and Gore used several of their comments in his remarks.
"It's very rare that commencement speakers go and try to get feedback
from the community," said MIT's director of academic computing,
Greg Jackson.
What's happening, man?
These things, inter alia:
- Co-op students who are in line for fall term jobs can pick up
their ranking forms after 10:00 this morning in Needles Hall; completed
forms are due back by 4 p.m. Job match results will be posted
Wednesday afternoon at 3.
- The bike centre in the Student Life Centre is having its
"spring bike ID" from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. today, and an auction of
reconditioned bicycles at 7 tonight in the SLC atrium.
- Mechanical engineering students will fete Fred Birkmann, of the
engineering student shop, at a retirement bash at the Huether Hotel
starting at 6 this evening.
- The campus Amnesty International group holds a movie night
starting at 7 this evening in the multipurpose room of the Student
Life Centre. The feature film is
"Death and the Maiden", starring
Sigourney Weaver as a released prisoner of conscience who meets up
with her torturer again. Admission is free, but Amnesty will be
welcoming donations.
And -- dare I mention it? -- summer starts, meteorologically speaking,
at 10:24 tonight, our time.
Volunteers are wanted
The local Volunteer Action Centre sends an invitation for people to
consider helping the community in these ways:
- Job coach -- someone to help Tuesday or Thursday mornings as
"a friendly and eager 17-year-old" addresses his first summer job,
as a maintenance person at Doon Heritage Crossroads. Someone experienced
with outdoor maintenance could provide "emotional support and
encouragement". Listing 034-1608.
- Companion -- a male volunteer to provide companionship for a
man with visual and hearing problems who likes visiting the St. Jacobs
market but can't do it on his own. Listing 014-1607.
- Banner designer-painter -- one or two people to prepare five
banners to be displayed on "Bike Atlanta" vehicles that will be
travelling to the Olympic city in August, in support of Habitat
for Humanity. Listing 061-1611.
More information, and many more volunteer opportunities: 742-8610.
Chris Redmond -- credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca
and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 ext. 3004
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