University of Waterloo

Daily Bulletin

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Monday, November 27, 1995

Just another manic Monday

Notes written on a foggy morning, after watching a maniac on a bicycle go sailing right through a red light at the corner of University Avenue and Keats Way. Pretty sure it wasn't Danny Gardiner, anyway. . . .

President and provost will speak

A memo this morning announces two "town hall meetings" to be held on Tuesday of next week. "President Downey and I will explain the implications of the government funding announcement expected on November 29th," says the university's provost, Jim Kalbfleisch.

He's asking department heads for "your assistance in making it possible for faculty and staff members in your department to attend".

The meetings will both be held in the Theatre of the Arts, one at 8:30 a.m. and one at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, December 5.

Kalbfleisch's memo notes that two other "important meetings" are happening next week: the staff association annual meeting at 12 noon on Tuesday, the faculty association annual meeting at 2 p.m. on Wednesday.

A reminder about theft

A note went round the faculty of arts a few days ago from Jake Willms, the faculty's administrative officer. It might be of some interest in other parts of the university too:
Recently there was a theft of a substantial amount of cash and cheques from a desk in a Faculty of Arts office. In discussing the matter with Dean Hendley and Mr. A. Mackenzie, Director of UW Police, it was felt that it would be advisable to forward a reminder concerning the need to keep cash and cheques in a secure, non-obvious location within offices, or in an appropriate locked filing cabinet.
And you might take the same precautions with your purse or wallet.

Blood is wanted today

The Red Cross will hold a blood donor clinic from noon to 4:00 today in the Student Life Centre -- an opportunity to give, as the ads say, "the gift of life".

The foods of the world

Cultural Caravan, presented by the Special Events department of the Federation of Students, happens today at Federation Hall. A dozen student cultural clubs will participate with displays of artifacts, handicrafts, literature and more. A popular feature of the day is the multicultural food fair -- sample such exotic fare as Onigiri (rice ball), Miso-shiru (miso soup), Pirukaid (meat or carrot stuffed perogies), Moose Stew, or Blueberry Bannock.

The evening will close with a celebration of the diversity that surrounds us all at UW. The International Showcase will feature a variety of colourful and entertaining group and solo folk dances and musical acts.

Cultural Caravan will be open for lunch service from noon until 2 p.m., and dinner service from 5 until 8 p.m. The International Showcase will begin at 7:30. Admission for all events is free, says Lynne Sosnowski of the Feds.

Next parking lot to change

Users of parking lot L, up by Matthews Hall and General Services, are the next ones to trade in their existing plastic cards for new cards and parking permits. The changeover, which has already been done for the three largest monthly-paid parking lots, also means you have to fill in a form, which will be available at the lot entrance (or call ext. 3100 if you don't get one that way). Conversion of lot L begins tomorrow, says Elaine Koolstra, manager of parking services.

More of the planning reports

The Commission on Institutional Planning has made most of its "working group" reports available on its Web page through UWinfo, says Heather White of the provost's office. Reports now available: Co-operative Education, Continuing and Distance Education, International Connections, Quality of Life, Undergraduate Teaching and Learning. Paper copies are available on reserve in UW's library. And we'll get summaries of them all into the Gazette, as time permits.

Computer scientist will speak

"Using Internet as a Parallel Computer" is the topic of a lecture tonight by Ken Salem of the computer science department. His general-interest talk is sponsored by the Institute for Computer Research and starts at 8:00 in Davis Centre room 1302.

The spirit of the holidays

I've already heard about several UW departments that are organizing food drives or other charitable activities for the Christmas (Hanukah, Kwanzaa) season. It would be good to have a complete list of what's being done on campus to help those who need help; so if your group or department has a food, clothing, toy or other project going, please would you drop me a note about it?

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 ext. 3004

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