University of Waterloo
Daily Bulletin
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Tuesday, May 23, 1995
Convocation week begins
Convocation ceremonies will be taking place
tomorrow through Saturday in the main gym of the Physical Activities
Complex. Tomorrow it's a triad of initials -- AHS, ES and IS. Thursday
it's arts. Friday it's science. Saturday morning it's mathematics.
And Saturday afternoon it's engineering. Altogether, 3,430 degrees
are to be awarded, the UW news bureau says.
New this year are many of the arrangements for the biggest of the
convocation sessions, the one for arts. Bachelor's degrees will be
given out three at a time (usually it's two at a time), and admission
to the audience is supposed to be by ticket only. "We've pretty well
given out all the tickets that we dare," registrar Trevor Boyes told me
this morning, while noting that it will almost certainly be possible
for a few last-minute arrivals to squeeze in for the 2 p.m. ceremony.
(Faculty and staff members who want to attend convocation should get
in touch with the registrar's office about admission.)
Jobs keep arriving in co-op
I had a paragraph in Friday's Daily Bulletin about the latest posting
(#3) of jobs for the fall work term for
co-op students. I said that the
posting would expire Monday at 8 p.m., and that was last night, the
holiday. In fact the posting is valid through 8 p.m. tonight, and posting
#4 goes up tomorrow at 10 a.m., or earlier for those who choose to
see it through the Student Access computer system.
Colette Nevin, the manager of Graphics Express, sends a reminder that
co-op job listings are also on view at her shop in South Campus Hall.
"Students may request to see the copy at the counter and make any
copies they want from the book for 7 cents per copy."
Board executive meets today
The board of governors executive meets at 3:30 p.m., in Needles Hall
room 3004, in preparation for the board's June meeting two weeks
from today. On the agenda, of course, is
the 1995-96 budget, not to mention a report on building projects,
discussion of the new name for the Campus Centre ("Student Life Centre"),
and something about the Federation of Students fee.
Happening on a spring Tuesday
The Japanese Spring Festival at Renison College is under way, with an
art and calligraphy exhibit that runs all through this week. The film
"The Ballad of Narayama", a Cannes winner when it was made in 1958,
is to be shown at 7:00 tonight in Physics room 145. Admission is $3,
students $2.
Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 ext. 3004
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