The $31.5 million Centre for Environmental Science and Engineering is to be built on the present site of parking lot B1. It'll be the home for the Waterloo Centre for Groundwater Research and such programs as geological engineering and environmental hydrogeology. Groundbreaking for the building is expected later this year.
The Ontario government is paying the largest share of the building's cost, $25.2 million, with the rest coming from private fund-raising. Said Tom Kawamura, president of Toyota Canada: "This donation is our way of acknowledging the admiration and respect we hold for the educational facilities that make the home of Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada an exceptional place to live, work and invest in."
The arts faculty council meets today, at 3:30 p.m. in Humanities room 373. Among items on the agenda: a progress report on the Commission on Institutional Planning, from Lynne Taylor, a history professor who's one of its members.
The Commission's working group on "quality of life for faculty, staff and students" has an open forum set for tomorrow, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. It will be held on the second floor of the new "mall" wing in the Campus Centre. All are welcome.
And what does "quality of life" mean? A memo from the working group, chaired by Peter Naus of St. Jerome's College, notes that its aspects "may be related to our physical surroundings, our interactions with the people with whom we work or study, and the interactions between our life outside the university and our work or study environment". For example: stress management, trust, health, harassment, scheduling, child care, diversity, student-faculty relations, participation in decision-making, recreational facilities.
Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 ext. 3004