University of Waterloo

Daily Bulletin

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Monday, July 10, 1995

The future of computing

The University Computing Directions Statement, created in 1989, is under review this summer and fall.

The University Computing Committee has issued a statement announcing the review, which is being done as part of the background work for the university's Commission on Institutional Planning. The statement will be on UWinfo shortly, and will appear in this week's Gazette. It says in part:

UCC is seeking broad based input from the university community on the impact of computing and information technology on university activities and the issues being considered in this review and plannig process. There are three main areas of university activities where information technology is having an increasing impact:
Specific topics mentioned include resources, standards, training, technical support, networks, security, etiquette and equity ("problem of have/have not sectors of the university").

Open meetings to collect comments are being scheduled for late July and early August.

On Arlo Guthrie's birthday

Summer activities on campus get a little more intense with the beginning of Heritage Experience Camp, a day camp for kids seven and eight years old, with "educational and physical activities, focusing on areas such as marshes and wetlands, flora and fauna, natural and human heritage". It's sponsored by the Heritage Resources Centre in the faculty of environmental studies. Information: ext. 2072.

The president of the university, James Downey, is back on campus after a couple of weeks in Europe. He's been attending a conference of European and North American university presidents in Lausanne, Switzerland, and joining in the 250th anniversary celebrations of the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany, with which UW's department of mechanical engineering has a highly successful student exchange program.

A garage sale on wheels

That's the idea of the "trunk sale" that UW's staff association is proposing to hold on September 13. "This would be a great opportunity," a recent flyer said, "to clear out your basement, garage or wherever, as well as helping the university, students and yourself!" Each participant would pay $15 to the Community Campaign for the rights to a space at the sale, to be held in a UW parking lot; students who are setting up their houses and apartments for the fall term would come and buy what's offered.

The association asked for expressions of interest and hasn't received enough yet, says Helena Hahn, one of the organizers. She'd like to hear from would-be sellers as soon as possible, at ext. 2101.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 ext. 3004

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