Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, January 31, 1995

END OF A COMMITTEE:  The Provost's Advisory Committee on Equal Rights
has been disbanded, at its own request.  It was originally the "President's
Advisory Committee on Equal Rights for Women and Men", and did much of
the early work in promoting the fair treatment of women in the university
in the 1970's.  But times have changed and so has PACER's role.

The committee said in a November memo to the provost: "Over the years . . .
as more legislation was introduced and the issues of equity and rights
became more definitive, different and specific Committees were established
which reduced the overall level of activity of PACER."  Most recently
it's been concentrating on race relations issues, and has made some
recommendations to the "ethical behaviour and human rights" office.

In a memo made public this morning, the provost, Jim Kalbfleisch, accepts
PACER's request to be dissolved.  "I agree with the members of PACER,"
he writes, "that it is important to bring consistency to the treatment of
Human Rights issues, and that there should be a single umbrella committee
dealing with harassment, discrimination, race and gender issues.  This is,
in fact, one of the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee on
Harassment and Discrimination whose report I have just received."

Kalbfleisch says the report of the ad hoc committee should be made public
next week or thereabouts.

REVIEWERS WANTED:  Interested in writing a review for the Gazette?  How
about the movie "Higher Learning"; the play "The Regeneration of George
McGraff", at Wilfrid Laurier University this week; next week's drama
department presentation of "Oleanna"; or FASS?  We'll pay for the tickets
and make sure you get your 15 minutes of fame as a reviewer.  Drop me a
note by e-mail if you'd like to give it a try.

A DAY TO REMEMBER:  That's the title of an event set for 2 p.m. today,
organized by the UW retirees association.  The idea is that over refreshments,
old-timers (and perhaps newer UW folks who want to know what the old days
were like) will do a little reminiscing.  Former president Doug Wright,
who was UW's first dean of engineering, is among the invited guests.
"A Day to Remember" will be held in the Davis Centre main lounge.

ABOUT TRADE:  "Trade Opportunities in Central and South America" is the
topic of an event that runs from 3:30 to 7 p.m. today in Davis Centre
room 1302.  The sponsor is the Federal Business Development Bank, along
with the Canada's Technology Triangle Export Network.  Registration
fee for non-members is $15.  Information: 885-5357.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca