Daily Bulletin, Monday, January 30, 1995

MEETING THIS MORNING:  The heavy hitters will gather in Needles Hall 3001
this morning, from 10 to 11:30, for a joint meeting of the senate finance
committee and senate long-range planning committee.

On the agenda is a "preliminary review" of the university's budget for
1995-96, which is yet to be distributed.  The two committees met together
back in early December, and heard an even more preliminary budget report
from the provost, Jim Kalbfleisch.  According to the minutes, here's the
gist of what he said:

     Maintaining current enrolment levels would result in about a 
     $3M shortfall that would have to be met by a combination of unpaid
     days, reduced pension contributions and a budget cut.

Also on this morning's agenda will be a preliminary report from the 
Commission on Institutional Planning, which is to be made public in a few
days, and the report of a subcommittee that looked at possible structural 
reforms to UW's senate.

The meeting is, like most UW committee meetings, open to the public.  After
this, joint meetings will be dropped for a while.  The finance committee
is scheduled to meet again March 1, for some serious budget work, and the
long-range planning committee is to meet April 5, to continue monitoring
the planning commission.

ALSO TODAY, these bits and pieces:

     Ethnic Chinese aren't the only people who celebrate the "Chinese"
     new year at this season.  The Vietnamese Student Association holds
     a dinner party this evening (Math and Computer 3001, 6:30 p.m.)
     to mark the occasion, known in Vietnam as "Tet".

     Co-op employer interviews begin today, with students hoping for
     the spring term jobs of their dreams.   Interviews are scheduled
     to run through February 22.

     Electricity, heating, cooling and ventilation will be turned off
     for a few minutes starting at 8 a.m. tomorrow in the CIM wing of
     the Davis Centre, the plant operations department advises.

ON THE WEB:  At last count, there are 124 UW departments, research groups,
clubs and other entities that have a presence on the Internet through
"gopherspace" or "Web space".  They can all be reached through the
UWinfo Web home page, which I have a finger in keeping up to date.  
(Departments whose material is on gopher, but not those with Web pages,
can also be reached through the UWinfo gopher.)  The Web home page also
points to general information about the university.

"New on UWinfo" in recent days have been such varied groups as the
Guelph-Waterloo Program for Graduate Work in Physics; the Chinese Student
Association; the Audio Research Group; the Bridge Club; Shad Valley alumni;
Distance Education; and, just today, Food Services.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca