Daily Bulletin, Monday, January 23, 1995

NO RESULTS have arrived so far from the Concrete Toboggan competition in
Montreal on the weekend.  Two teams of engineering students were among
the race entrants.  I'm hoping to hear, in the course of today, how they
made out.

SEVERAL TALKS and events are scheduled today and tomorrow:

     Susan Musgrave, the witch of the west coast, gives a reading from 
     her poetry at St. Jerome's College today.  Musgrave was a 
     writer-in-residence at UW, in the days when there was a regular 
     writer-in-residence; she'll be appearing in room 221 of St. Jerome's 
     at 3:30 this afternoon.  All are welcome.

     John Partridge of the Glaxo Research Institute speaks tonight on
     "Fighting the AIDS Epidemic".  His talk, sponsored by the chemistry
     department, starts at 7 p.m. in Engineering Lecture room 110.

     William Shadwick, director of the Fields Institute, speaks tonight
     in the Institute for Computer Research lecture series, designed for
     a "broad" audience.  His topic: "New Interactions Between Computer
     Science and Mathematics".  He'll speak at 8 p.m. in Davis Centre
     room 1302.

     Larry Smith of the economics department is the speaker in the first
     of this term's "Bridging the Gap" lectures, designed to bring
     non-technical issues to engineering students.  He'll speak at 11:30
     a.m. tomorrow in Engineering Lecture room 112, about "Career
     Strategies for the 1990s".

THE FEDERATION of Students has announced details of its "forum" about
post-secondary education funding and student fees, to be held Wednesday
afternoon as part of the national day of protest and concern.  The forum
will start at 4:30 in the Theatre of the Arts.  UW president James Downey
has agreed to speak, and representatives are expected from several
provincial organizations and the Ontario ministry of education, as well as
someone from the office of Lloyd Axworthy, federal minister of human
resources, whose "white paper" on social security reform last fall
started all the excitement.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca