Daily Bulletin, Friday, January 20, 1995

STRANGE BEHAVIOUR plays tonight at the Graduate House, and no, I don't
think that's a comment on day after day of fog and rain in mid-January.
(Actually, Strange Behaviour is a band, fronted by Ron Kellerman, whose
daylight life is as a technician in UW's earth sciences department.)

VOICE MAIL NOTE:  The troubled Meridian Mail system, which hasn't been
fully restored to operation since its crash on Monday, will be "disrupted"
-- in other words, shut down -- starting at 1 p.m. today.  "We're still
working out problems," says Joan Wiley, director of telephone services,
who said it's not known how long the shutdown will have to last.

THE WARRIORS BAND "is always looking for new members," says chief
centurion Krista Sylvestervich, "and anyone who can recognize a musical 
instrument and wants to have fun and help raise school spirit is welcome.  
Joining the Band is easy." You can either show up to a practice in Physical
Activities Complex room 2012 any Thursday from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., or follow 
the sound of the music at any Warrior basketball game.  Adds Sylvestervich:
"For more info, call one of the phone numbers listed on the Band office door."
Or she can be reached by e-mail at kmsylves@science.watstar.

SPORTS WEEKEND:  UW's Warriors return to the ice a few hours ahead of the
Maple Leafs, but then the Warriors haven't been on strike for the past
few months.  The team hosts the Western Mustangs at 7:30 tonight at the
Columbia Icefield, and the Windsor Lancers at 2 p.m. Sunday, same location.

Other teams playing at home this weekend include the volleyball Warriors
(versus McMaster tonight at the PAC) and the squash Warriors, in a 
"crossover tournament" all day Saturday and Sunday.  Other UW teams are
on the road, including both the Athena and Warrior basketball teams, who
play at Windsor on Sunday.

ALSO THIS WEEKEND:  St. Paul's College will hold the installation of its
new principal, Helga Kutz-Harder, Sunday at 3:30 p.m. in First United
Church in downtown Waterloo.

PAYDAY'S COMING:  Faculty and most staff -- those paid once a month --
can look forward to their January emoluments a little early.  Payday will
be Wednesday, January 25, rather than the last Friday of the month as
it usually is.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca