Daily Bulletin, Thursday, January 12, 1995

PARKING AVAILABLE:  Al MacKenzie, director of security, sends word that
there are some parking spaces available in the so-called "student"
parking areas, lots A (south of University Avenue) and N (near Columbia 
Street).  Anybody who might be interested in paying for a parking spot by
the month, rather than dropping coins into lot C every day, should
drop in at the security department in the General Services Complex.

KOREAN students are the latest group to be getting a club organized for 
the winter term: the first general meeting is set for 6:30 tonight in 
Math and Computer room 2035.

And the bridge club is in business, and also meeting tonight at 6:30,
in Math and Computer room 3001. "Following the meeting," says enthusiastic
organizer Eric Sutherland, "there will be the first duplicate game for
the term.  If you are interested in learning how to play bridge, come
along as well, as we will be scheduling the start-up lessons."


     Kitchener Transit student passes are on sale at Federation Hall
     from 1 to 4 p.m.

     "FurnaceFace" and "Hayden" play the Bombshelter pub starting at 
     8 tonight.  Admission is free before 9 p.m., but only with a ticket,
     available from the Federation of Students office, Campus Centre
     room 235.  (Tomorrow at the Bomber: a free 12:30 matinee by
     Paul McLeod.)

     "Red Dust", first film in a series of contemporary Taiwanese films
     being screened by the UW fine arts film society: East Campus Hall
     room 1219, 7 p.m.

     Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System training, required
     for all students taking a science course with a lab component who
     haven't already had the WHMIS experience: Biology 1 room 271,
     5:30 p.m.  Information: the faculty of science office, Earth Sciences
     and Chemistry room 253, phone ext. 2101.

     A birthday for Phil Merikle of the psychology department.


     January 17 and 18, Hagey Lecture visit by John Polanyi.

     February 17, Mardi Gras celebration sponsored by the Community Campaign

     March 14, Campus Day, bringing thousands of high school students
     and parents to check out Waterloo

WRONG TEXTBOOK?  The bookstore notes that this Saturday, January 14, is
the last day to return (unmarked) winter term textbooks.  The store is
open noon to 4 p.m. on Saturdays, 8:30 to 5 on weekdays.

THE CO-OP DEPARTMENT won't be using as much paper, now that the "Student
Access" computer system is in operation.  Olaf Naese of co-op advises
that the department "will discontinue posting job descriptions and 
employer interview schedules on the co-op bulletin boards located in the 
Math & Computer Building and the Engineering Lecture Hall.  These bulletin 
boards will still be used to post information not normally available on 
Student Access such as return-to-campus interview schedules and computer 
match results.  All relevant co-op information (including that available 
on Student Access) will continue to be displayed on the co-op bulletin 
boards, first floor, Needles Hall."  Things were busy in NH yesterday,
as students lined up to collect their "master copy co-op record", to be
used in spring term job applications.  Interviews begin January 30.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca