Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, January 10, 1995

GRAPHICS EXPRESS in South Campus Hall holds its grand opening today at
noon.  Everybody's welcome, and there will be refreshments.

There will be other good things too, such as a day-long 15 per cent
discount on copying and binding, and a prize raffle.  And a special
deal: "Bring in your favourite photo and we will copy it onto a t-shirt
transfer using our new Canon CLC800 and press it on to a high quality
t-shirt for the all-inclusive price of $10.00 (plus taxes).  There are a 
limited number of t-shirts available so come early to avoid disappointment."

The CLC800 is the pride of the new copy centre, which becomes the biggest
cash outlet graphic services has.  It offers "the world's first full-colour
automatic duplexing for two-sided copying", with "the ability to distinguish
between subtle color gradations within the same color -- even delicate
flesh tones are accurate."

To let graphic services staff help out with the noontime celebrations, the
main graphic services outlet in the General Services Complex will be
closed from noon to 1 today, says director Linda Norton.

CO-OP STUDENTS should hand in their fall work term reports by 4:30 today.
Tomorrow at 10, the "master copy co-op record" will be available, an essential
as students prepare their applications for future jobs.  The first posting
of spring term jobs is scheduled to go up at 10 a.m. next Monday, and
interviews start January 30.

ALSO TODAY:  The "committee of presidents", representing student societies
from all the faculties, colleges and residents, is meeting today at 5:00.
Registration for campus recreation programs continues this afternoon and
evening in the Physical Activities Complex.  And birthday greetings to 
Richard Bartels of the computer science department.  And I'll leave it at 
that -- a short Bulletin today.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca