Daily Bulletin, Monday, January 9, 1995

THE NEW WORKPLACE:  A series of workshops on "sexual harassment, diversity
and human rights" is being offered to all UW faculty and staff members
by the human resources department and the coordinator for ethical behaviour
and human rights.  Sessions in the series, "The New Workplace", will start
on January 30.

They're primarily for those who "have responsibility for supervising,
counselling, or advising staff, faculty, or students".  Organizers say
that "The information covered in these sessions is essential for all
people in the above positions in order to ensure that the University is
in compliance with the law, and that its commitment to a welcome, supportive
and discrimination-free working environment is met."  Other staff and
faculty members are invited too, says a memo that went to department heads 
on Friday.  Details are going out campus-wide this week (and will be in 
Wednesday's Gazette).

There are four seminars: "Sexual Harassment in the Workplace", "Human
Rights in the Workplace", and "Valuing Diversity", parts One and Two.  Each
runs two to three hours, with "practical and common sense advice when
dealing with many difficult and sensitive situations.  The four sessions
are interactive with video presentations and group problem-solving."

CROSSWALKS:  As Friday's Bulletin reported, the provost has accepted a
committee recommendation that the seven crosswalks around the Ring Road
be removed.  The committee's report is now available on UWinfo; look
under "Departments", then "Office of the Provost", or look under "Documents"
and then "Documents of Current Interest".

CAMPUS RECREATION programs -- from tennis lessons to a windsurfing clinic
-- have registration today.  Details of the courses are in the campus rec
brochure that's been widely distributed on campus (and on page 9 it also
has details of the registration procedure).  Go to Gymnasium 3 in the
Physical Activities Complex between 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. today to pick up
a registration ticket if you're interested.

HOCKEY TONIGHT:  A squad drawn from UW's hockey Warriors and the Wilfrid
Laurier University Golden Hawks will face off against Team Canada tonight
at 7:30 p.m., in the Waterloo Recreation Complex downtown.  Tickets for
the "University Hockey Challenge" are $5.

CO-OP STUDENTS (who have until 4:30 tomorrow to get their work reports
done and handed in, if a report from the fall work term is due) may also
want to note a meeting today.  Students Advising Co-op, which is pretty
much what it sounds like, holds its organizational meeting at 4:30 today
in Needles Hall room 1029.  "Any student who wants to get involved and
know more about the co-op department is welcome," says Ron Servant, a
computer science student who's among current SAC members.

OLEANNA, the new film based on David Mamet's play about allegations of
sexual harassment by a middle-aged professor, hits the Princess Cinema
in downtown Waterloo this weekend.  (The original play will be staged by
the UW drama department later in the year, the first time it's been done
on a university campus.)  I'd be pleased to hear from someone who would
like to review the film for the Gazette -- we'll pay for your tickets.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca