Daily Bulletin, Wednesday, January 4, 1995

REGISTRATION continues, at the Physical Activities Complex.  Today's
the day for undergraduates in engineering, math and applied health
sciences to register; tomorrow is the final day, for students from all
faculties, before late fees kick in on Friday.

Graduate students are registering too this week, which largely explains
that lineup at the cashier's office in Needles Hall.  You must register
as an "active" graduate student, says the university graduate office,
"in each term in which [you] are engaged in course work, research or
thesis preparation including the term in which the completion of degree
requirements is anticipated.  Fee refunds . . . will apply to students who
complete all degree requirements . . . prior to the end of a term in which
they are registered."  Among the complications for some grad students,
those from outside Canada, is health insurance: the University Health
Insurance Plan costs $196.41 per term for an individual, on top of tuition
fees that can top $5,000.

Some other beginning-of-term arrangements you might want to make:

     Kitchener Transit student ID cards will be available at Federation
     Hall tomorrow, and again next Thursday, from 1 to 4 p.m.  The photo
     ID card costs $4, and then you buy a monthly pass at the student
     discount rate.  Information: 741-2525.

     Campus recreation holds its registration for fitness and skills
     courses next Monday and Tuesday.  The procedure is a fairly 
     complicated one, introduced (amid some confusion) last term, and
     it's carefully spelled out on page 9 of the Campus Rec brochure for
     the winter term.  Briefly, you visit Gym 3 on the lower level of
     the Physical Activities Complex, next Monday between 11:30 a.m. and
     2 p.m., to get a registration ticket good for a specified time on
     Monday or Tuesday evening.  Available courses range from the
     tennis lob to the bronze medallion (in swimming), not to mention
     kayaking, power skating and many kinds of aerobics.

AUDITIONS BEGIN today for "Les Belles Soeurs", to be staged in mid-March
by UW's drama department.  The play is a Canadian classic by Michel
Tremblay, which startled theatregoers with its realistic "joual" when
it was first performed in 1968.  Not to worry, the UW production will be
in English, says Joyce Hahn of the drama department.  Director Darlene
Spencer is looking for 14 women for the cast.  Auditions are today and
tomorrow from 3:30 to 6:30 in the Humanities Theatre.

Also auditioning this week: FASS 1995, starting tomorrow and Friday
evening (the show is February 1-4); "The Dining Room", a show with one
man and one woman, with auditions Monday and Tuesday 3:30 to 6:30 in
the Theatre of the Arts, and performances at the end of March.

LOOKING HEAVENWARD:  The physics department's telescope will have its
monthly open house this evening, starting at 8 p.m.  Anybody's welcome
to take a look at Saturn and whatever else can be seen, as long as
the skies are clear.  The telescope is reached through Physics room 313.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca