Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, February 21, 1995

UW'S SENATE meets tonight -- rather than on the usual Monday schedule.
Time: 7:30.  Place: Needles Hall 3001.  On the agenda: the report of the
Provost's Ad Hoc Committee on Harassment and Discrimination, which was
released last week.  (The full text of the report is on UWinfo, under
"Documents of Current Interest", and large excerpts can be seen in 
tomorrow's Gazette.)

Also on the agenda: a varied list of items, including the terms of reference
for the Committee on Animal Care; a "state of the faculty" presentation
from David Burns, the dean of engineering; and a report from UW to the
Ontario minister of education, explaining how this university meets the
government's suggested standards for "accountability".

HOCKEY TONIGHT:  At the same hour as the senate meeting, 7:30, the hockey
Warriors face off against the Wilfrid Laurier University Golden Hawks in
a sudden-death semifinal game.  It's a home game for WLU, and will be 
played at the Mutual Arena at the downtown Waterloo Recreation Complex.
The winner of tonight's contest goes on to face Western in a two-out-of-three
playoff for the OUAA West Division championship.

THE WINNERS:  The development office has now been in touch with the raffle
winners from Friday night's Mardi Gras celebrations, and can make their
names public:

     Grand prize, a trip for two to Las Vegas: Fabrice Jaubert of the
     computer science department.

     Second prize, trip to Montreal: Cindy Futher of the research office.

     Third prize, trip to Toronto: Michael Higgins of St. Jerome's College.

The presentations were being made this morning by the Campaign Waterloo
co-chairs, Judy McCrae and Peter Woolstencroft, and Kathryn Sternberg of
Marlin Travel, which helped provide the prizes.

EXECUTIVE POST:  Still unfilled, though it won't be appearing in this week's
Positions Available list, is a pretty senior job as Executive Director of
Development and Alumni Affairs.  From last week's Positions Available:

     USG 15. University degree or equivalent; extensive management
     experience involving the direction and development of staff, financial
     resources and strategic planning; ideally, experienced in leading a
     fund raising initiative on behalf of a major organization; excellent
     interpersonal and communication skills; demonstrated leadership
     ability and knowledge of the University environment.

Filling that job is a big step in merging the half-separate departments of
development, on the one hand, and alumni affairs, on the other.  The
last directors of the two (Don Livingston and Joy Roberts, respectively) have
both left Waterloo.

MEETING AT GREBEL:  As reading week takes many students away from residence,
Conrad Grebel College is staying lively with the annual School for Ministers,
a study program sponsored by the Mennonite Conference of Eastern Canada.
Theme this year: "The Spiritual Life of Congregational Leaders".

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca