Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, February 14, 1995

HEARTS AND FLOWERS and T.L.F.E. to all the Valentine lovers this
morning, especially those being delivered roses and carnations (a service
provided by the Math Graduation Committee), and those getting messages
on the bulletin board provided by the Chinese Student Association.
"Mui tin oi li do yat se," says the message in Mandarin, according to
a source we hope is reliable.  Love you forever. . . .

THE COMMISSION on Institutional Planning holds its second open meeting
today: 12 noon to 1 p.m., Math and Computer room 5158.  Says a memo from
the Commission: "Before we being work on a Draft Plan for the future, we
need to take a detailed look at UW's current state.  This will
require collection of considerable information, and we will use several
methods, as outlined in our progress report."  (The report was published
in last week's Gazette and can also be found on UWinfo.)

"We will be contacting those involved in existing planning, review, and
restructuring exercises across campus and tapping into the information
they have gathered.  As well, we have set up five small working groups
(with more to follow) to report to us in depth on certain key areas.

"In addition, we would like to hear individual voices and we encourage
you to share your ideas directly with us.  At this stage, we would
appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to comment specifically on
the process outlined in our progress report (how can we improve it?) and
the working groups we've established, or are considering establishing
(are there important areas that we have missed?)."

The commission can be reached in care of its executive assistant, Heather
White, in the provost's office, heather@provost-admin.

VOTING begins today in the annual election for Federation of Students
executives, as well as some of the student senator positions.  Polls
are open across campus from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (and for the same hours

BIG GAME:  The volleyball Warriors, otherwise known as the Black Plague,
compete in the OUAA west division semi-finals tonight.  The game starts
at 8 p.m. in the Physical Activities Complex main gym.  Because it's a
league playoff, not a season home game, regular season tickets aren't
valid -- but the excitement ought to be worth the few dollars it costs
to get in.

If the Warriors win tonight, the west division finals will be held
Saturday night, also at Waterloo.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca