Daily Bulletin, Monday, February 13, 1995

HARASSMENT REPORT:  The provost's "ad hoc committee on harassment and
discrimination" has issued its report, recommending a single University 
Appeals Panel for all formal complaints.

The panel would replace several committees that exist under ethical 
behaviour and grievance policies for staff, students and faculty. The 
hearing committees for all formal complaints would be drawn from the panel. 
Hearing committees' recommendations would go to the president, with no 
other form of appeal.

The ad hoc committee -- chaired by Dr. Greg Bennett of the statistics and 
actuarial science department -- also calls for improved information and 
education programs about discrimination and rights issues. It says such
training "should not be voluntary" for managers.  

It suggests creation of a University Conflict Resolution Group to help in 
the informal resolution of complaints.  And it says UW's principles for 
ethical behaviour should be widely distributed and publicized, not just
kept in the introductory section of Policy 33. Those principles say in part:

-- "That each member of the University endeavour to contribute to the 
existence of a just and supportive community based on equality and respect 
for individual differences."

-- "That the University support academic freedom."

-- "That no member of the University community unduly interfere with the 
study, work or working environment of other members of the University."

The committee's report is available on UWinfo, under "Documents of Current 
Interest" or under "departments" and then "Office of the Provost".

CULTURAL CARAVAN takes place today in Federation Hall.  From 11 a.m. to
2 p.m. there's lunch, and from 5 to 8 p.m. there's dinner, provided by
some dozen international and cultural clubs on campus.  You can get Irish
stew and scones, souvlaki and baklava, perogies or codfish fritters.
Then at 7 p.m. begins an International Heritage Showcase with cultural
dance, music and costume.  Admission is free.

PLANNING FOR UW:  The Commission on Institutional Planning holds the first
of its public open meetings today, from 3:30 to 4:30 in Arts Lecture
room 105.  "Your opinions and advice are vitally important," says a memo
from the commission, which was created "to generate a discussion of 
our shared values and objectives, to develop a plan for UW's future,
including a statement of mission, and to make recommendations on how we
can position ourselves to meet future challenges".  The commission's
preliminary report appeared in last week's Gazette and is also on UWinfo.
A second open meeting will be held tomorrow at noontime in Math and
Computer room 5158.

TAX RECEIPTS are available today for students who were at UW during 1994.
Full-time undergraduates can get their receipts from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
on the second floor of Needles Hall.  (Renison College and St. Jerome's
College students should get their forms at their colleges.)  Part-time
and off-campus students will get their forms by mail.  Graduate students
should find their forms in their departmental mailboxes starting today.

RECYCLING pickups made by Laidlaw will take place on campus Tuesday rather
than Monday from now on, says the waste management coordinator, Patti
Cook.  So, today -- not tomorrow -- is the day to take department blue
boxes to the loading dock for pickup early tomorrow morning.

MARDI GRAS comes this Friday night.  Today and tomorrow are the last two
days to buy raffle tickets for the event, says Pat Cunningham of the
development office.  They're on sale from representatives across campus.
Tickets to attend the event itself will be on sale all week at the
development and alumni affairs office in South Campus Hall -- and at the
door, Friday from 4:30 p.m. at the north campus athletic complex.

COMPUTER THINGS:  A "fuzzy and neural networks research group" holds its
organizational meeting at lunchtime today (starting at 12 noon in Davis
Centre room 2577).  Information comes from Bonatua Napitu in the
electrical and computer engineering department, bbvnapit@kingcong.

Jo Ebergen of the computer science department, who has coached successful
UW programming teams, will speak tonight on "Geeks, Guts and Glory: 
Waterloo's Success in International Programming Contests".  That talk starts 
at 8 p.m. in Davis Centre room 1302 and is sponsored by the Institute for 
Computer Research.

FINALLY, birthday greetings to Arthur Hills of the math faculty
computing facility.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca