Daily Bulletin, Friday, February 10, 1995

MONEY BACK:  All students who paid a $25 fee for the new Student Centre
during the fall term will be getting their money back.  The fee is being
refunded because the new building wasn't ready (as scheduled) during that
term, and the referendum and resolution that created the fee said it would
start when the building was available for use.  

There's been some controversy over the $25 fee, but Federation of Students
leaders initially said it was only fair, since fall term students did
benefit from the other parts of the "student co-ordinated plan" covered by
the fee, including the north campus recreation complex.  However, the
grumbles eventually came to the Student Centre management board, which
voted unanimously in favour of a refund, and UW's president has agreed.
Students will get their refunds by cheque "in the next two months", Federation
president Stephen Codrington said yesterday.

The result of the refund is that no money at all flows into the "student
co-ordinated plan" for fall 1994.  A $10-per-term fee had been charged 
since 1992, but authorization for that fee expired with the spring term.
The Student Centre and athletic complex will just take that much longer
to be paid off.  The Student Centre is covered by a mortgage with the Bank
of Commerce that was taken out November 1, says the associate provost
(finance), Dorothy Battae.

RUBBISH!  The graphic services department is doing waste audits of some of
its copy centres and the main print shop these days.  "The audits are being
conducted," says Jeremy Steffler of the department's staff, "in conjunction
with Patti Cook, the university's waste management coordinator, to determine
what waste exists within the department.  The information gained during
this audit will be used to find ways to reduce this waste."  They're 
weighing and sorting the trash at 1:30 each afternoon.  And I suppose the
whole project comes with an iron-clad promise: satisfaction guaranteed . . .
or twice your garbage back!

SEASONAL SALES:	At Graphics Express in South Campus Hall, you can bring
in your favourite 3-by-5-inch colour photo and have it copied onto a
Valentine card "for the low price of $4.14 plus tax", says manager Colette
Nevin.  "If you wish, you may have the card laminated for the inclusive
price of $5.02 plus tax.  We have two styles of card to choose from."

And nearby at the UW Shop, the Canadian National Institute for the Blind
is setting up today for its annual crocus sale.  The plants are there
from 11:30 to 2:30 today, priced at $3 apiece or four for $10.  The crocus
sales support such CNIB programs as low vision services and independent

THIS WEEKEND:  Let's see -- the drama department's "Oleanna" continues at
8 tonight and tomorrow night in the studio theatre, Humanities 180.

The Ontario Ballet Theatre brings "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe",
a show for kids, to the Humanities Theatre tonight at 7 and Saturday at 1:30. 

Ani diFranco, "one-woman acoustic punk band", performs Saturday at 8 p.m.
in the Humanities Theatre.

The volleyball Warriors host Guelph at 8:00 tonight in the Physical
Activities Complex.  Otherwise, all the interuniversity teams are on the
road this evening, including both men's and women's basketball teams,
playing tomorrow at Western.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca