Daily Bulletin, Friday, March 31, 1995

IT'S PAYDAY for faculty and most staff today -- the monthly cheque 
arriving, minus the monthly deduction for "unpaid days" under the Social
Contract.  (I didn't have any trouble telling that my salary was
frozen . . . as soon as I opened my pay slip, a little light went on.)

And it snowed overnight, a day early for April Fool's.  Maybe things will
warm up a trifle for tomorrow's Maple Syrup Festival in Elmira, north of
Waterloo.  Also in the "off campus but important" category: today and
tomorrow is the annual used book sale sponsored by the Canadian
Federation of University Women, held down at First United Church.

AUCTION TODAY:  From 11:30 to 1, the Community Campaign will be auctioning
leftover gift items from the recent Mardi Gras event.  There are some
35 treasures for sale, says Pat Cunningham of the development office.
The auction -- starring Al Galbraith of plant operations -- takes place
in the ICR lounge, just off the great hall of the Davis Centre.  All are
welcome, bearing cash, cheque or credit card.

Another auction's being held tomorrow, this one to support the Klemmer
Co-op day care on UW's north campus.  That event runs from 1 to 3 p.m.
on Saturday, at the Waterloo Recreation Complex downtown.  Promised are
"children's toys, crafts, and many other items donated by businesses".

GRAPHIC SERVICES advises that all copy centres except Graphics Express
will be closed today from 11:45 to 12:45.

HAPPENING:  The drama department's production of "The Dining Room"
continues tonight and tomorrow night in the Theatre of the Arts.

The UW Stage Band presents its spring concert tonight, cabaret-style,
from 8 p.m. at the Conrad Grebel College great hall.  Tickets are $8,
students $5.  The Chamber Choir performs Saturday night at 8 at
St. John's Lutheran Church in central Waterloo.

"Spirit of Turtle Island", sponsored by the Native Students Association,
winds up today: an arts and crafts show running from noon to 4 p.m. in
the Davis Centre foyer.

And of course opening celebrations at the Campus Centre continue.  The
pancake breakfast is still going, until 11 a.m., though it may be a bit
chilly eating on the patio this morning.  All day, 1995 graduates can
benefit from discounts and specials through a "Passport Book" available
at the turnkey desk.

MATTHEWS HALL is due for an expansion, thanks to a combination of
government and private funding.  Ground-breaking is set for Monday 
morning first thing: 9 a.m., with the ceremony being held in the ground
floor cafeteria.  On hand will be MPP Mike Cooper, MP Andrew Telegdi, and
UW dignitaries.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca