Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, March 28, 1995

THE NEW BUILDING is still just "the new building" -- a new name for the
revised and expanded Campus Centre wasn't announced yesterday after all.
Seems the authorities are waiting for the UW board of governors to get
involved, before the new name is made official and public.  The board
meets next Tuesday, April 4.  So until then, the CC is without a name,
just like the north campus recreation complex, which has been open as a
generic building for more than a year now.  Maybe Waterloo should just
emulate the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and call all the buildings
by their numbers?

But, name or no name, the new CC is open; it was a happy party yesterday,
complete with a good crowd for the balloon cascade.  And today celebrations
continue, with the emphasis on games.  The athletics department will have
booths set up all day, big TV sets will broadcast Warrior and Athena
highlights, and there will be live demonstrations in various parts of the
building: fencing at 11 a.m., martial arts and line dancing at 12 (not
in the same space, please note), aerobics at 2, juggling at 2:30.  Games
of "skill and chance" are promised all day: "Our Warrior coaches will let 
you try your luck at catching a speeding football bullet from the football 
throwing machine," says Jennifer McCormick of the athletics department.
Or try taking a shot at a hockey goalie, or test the putting green.  

A coffee house runs from 7 tonight in the great hall, sponsored by the
turnkeys -- a 27-year CC tradition that will be continued in the new
building.  At the same time there will be specialty desserts in the food
service area of the building, the "Marketplace" restaurant.

Tomorrow is "Business and Service" day, with a sidewalk sale by the
various shops that are in the new "Federation mall".  Thursday is Clubs
Day.  And the fun goes on.

PLANNING MEETINGS:  Two of the "working groups" set up by UW's Commission
on Institutional Planning have announced public meetings to find out what
people think.

The working group on co-op education has two meetings set next week:
Tuesday at noon, in Math and Computer room 5158, and Thursday at noon,
in Arts Lecture room 113.  Students, faculty and staff are all welcome to
offer their opinions; if the times don't suit, you can send comments
to any member of the working group (look on UWinfo for the names and

The working group on "international connections" will hold its open meeting
Friday, April 7, from 2 to 4 p.m. in Needles Hall room 3004.  Agenda:
"the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for international
activities at the University of Waterloo".  The contact for that meeting
is Pauline O'Neill, manager of the international programs office, at
ext. 2288.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca