Daily Bulletin, Wednesday, March 22, 1995

TWO REPORTS of possible interest have appeared on UWinfo in the past 24

First, there's an Update (dated March 15) from the Student Information
Systems Project, the effort (over several years and probably millions of
dollars) to overhaul the way UW handles admissions, registration, marks
processing and similar functions. The SIS project is chugging along,
the progress report says:

     In June '94, discussions between the Registrar's Office, the
     University Graduate Office and the Associate Deans led to the 
     identification of Admissions and Student Scheduling as the first 
     and second priority project areas, respectively. . . .

     The task of analysis is to determine in each project area the
     various academic and administrative processes involved and
     identify the supporting system requirements. This is being
     accomplished through a series of meetings between representatives
     from the core academic support departments and the faculties.
     Gathering student reaction to the various proposals through
     student focus groups is in the formative stage. At the
     undergraduate level, discussions have begun with the Committee of
     Student Presidents which will be the primary focus group. . . .

     The analysis of OSS (Ontario Secondary School) admissions was 
     completed in the Fall term '94. The analysis of non-OSS and direct 
     (including graduate) admissions will be conducted during the Winter 
     term '95. Analysis of student scheduling began in October '94. 
     Initially the scope was to include primarily undergraduate drop/add 
     activity but this has been broadened to include pre-registration and 
     graduate student registration. This analysis will be completed in the
     Winter Term '95. . . .

     Student Electronic Access for coop interview schedules, job postings 
     and applications was implemented in Oct. '94. Initial student response 
     has  been positive and therefore a larger computer is on order for 
     the Fall term '95. . . .

The other new report comes from the Task Group on Non-Traditional Media,
set up in 1993 to advise the university librarian.  Its report was actually
done last summer but has just been released.  It deals with ways in which
the library, and other agencies on campus, might handle databases, slides,
Internet information, films, recordings and other such materials.

Both reports can be found on UWinfo under "Documents of Current Interest".
The Non-traditional Media report is also in the Electronic Library's
"Documents" area.

THE FINANCE committee of UW's senate meets this afternoon (1:30 p.m.,
Needles Hall room 3001) to continue work on the 1995-96 budget.  The provost,
Jim Kalbfleisch, is presenting a proposal that includes a 1 per cent cut
to departments' budgets.  Staff would have no "unpaid days" to take under
the Social Contract in the coming year; faculty, five days.

ALSO TODAY:  Actuarial science students are voting on a proposed fee of
$2.50 per term for their national association.  

The Centre for Applied Health Research and other UW units are sponsoring
a seminar on "The Implications of Bill 164 (Motor Vehicle Accident
Insurance) on Health Care Delivery", starting at 12:30 in Matthews Hall.

The Early Childhood Education Centre in the PAS building has a children's
clothing sale running all day today.

WATER will be shut off in Village 2 tomorrow -- from 5 to 8:30 a.m. in 
the central complex, including the kitchens; from 1 to 4 p.m. in the South
and East halls.  

Also tomorrow, hot water will be shut off in Engineering 3 from 7:30 to
10:30 a.m., for repairs to a leak in the service tunnel.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca