Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, March 21, 1995

TOP TEACHERS:  The 1995 winners of the Distinguished Teacher Awards were
announced last night at the monthly meeting of UW's senate.  There are
five winners this year instead of the usual four, "because of the
exceptionally high calibre of many of the nominations", the selection
committee says.

The distinguished teachers for this year:

     Jean Andrey, geography
     Susan Cash, dance (the award earmarked for "non-regular faculty")
     Desmond Hemming, physics
     Richard Holmes, philosophy
     Milan Yovanovich, mechanical engineering

DTA winners receive a $1,500 grant to be used for future teaching
activities, and are honoured at the May convocation ceremonies.

APPLICATIONS for admission to UW (and most other Ontario universities) 
are still down from the 1994 levels.  Latest figures from the Ontario
Universities Application Centre shows that 5,272 Ontario high schoolers
have listed Waterloo as their first choice for admission this fall; at
the comparable date last year the number was 5,696, so that's a 7.4 per cent
drop.  The number of applicants who aren't from Ontario high schools is
up by a hair, from 1,084 last year to 1,092 this year.

IN THE NEWS last night was John Hepburn of the chemistry department, 
who figured in a Kitchener-Waterloo Record story about the effects of
federal cutbacks in research funding.  The article used his work in
laser chemistry as an example, talking about how it's been hampered since 
the "centre of excellence" of which he was a member lost its grant,
which had brought half a million dollars a year to Waterloo.  "That
just devastated me," Hepburn is quoted as saying.  The dean of research,
Gary Waller, was among others quoted in the article.

VILLAGE WATER:  Water supplies will be turned off in Village 2 this week
for the installation of fire pumps.  The shutoff comes today, from 1 to 4 
p.m., in the North and West halls; it'll be Thursday, also from 1 to 4,
in the East and South halls.

HAPPENING TODAY:  Susan Bellingham, UW's special collections librarian,
speaks at 7:30 tonight on "Canadian Women's History Through Books and
Archives".  The talk, for the local branch of the Canadian Federation of
University Women, will be given at First United Church downtown.

"Faust", the animated film by Czech director Jan Svankmajer, is being
shown this week at the Princess Cinema, in an event jointly sponsored by
UW's fine arts film society.  First showing is tonight at 9:15; the
film will be seen again at 7 p.m. tomorrow and Thursday.

THIS JUST IN:  The ground-breaking ceremony for the Matthews Hall
addition is to be held Monday, April 3, at 9 a.m.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca