Daily Bulletin, Monday, March 13, 1995

HEY, IT'S SPRING, and what do you want with news?  What you want is
entertainment -- say, the Science Spectacular, happening at 3:30 today
in Biology 1 room 271.  The show is a preview (rehearsal?) for tomorrow's
Campus Day performance.  "We'd love to have a good university community
turnout for this," says Bonnie Fretz of the dean of science office.
She explains: "It is a fun, down-to-earth look at science and is enjoyed
by those of all ages and any background. . . . A special guest appearance
will include Wally the Worm and Deanna the Water Droplet.  Dr. Eastman
and Dr. Chong will do their usual popular antics as well."

THEN TOMORROW comes Campus Day, bringing several thousand high school
students and their parents to see first-hand what Waterloo is like.  Tours
are planned in most parts of the campus, with the South Campus Hall
concourse being the centre of everything.  Walking tours start there, and
there will be booths from a dozen campus departments.

Headquarters for the faculties and their tours and demonstrations will be
in the Environmental Studies foyer; the second floor of Math and Computer;
the Biology 1 foyer and the Optometry foyer; Carl Pollock Hall foyer;
Humanities foyer; and Matthews Hall foyer.  The church colleges also have
tours and events going.  Parents' sessions will be in the Humanities
Theatre, at 11:00 and 1:00.

Parking will be in short supply tomorrow (so students, staff and faculty
would be well advised to take the bus or car-pool if possible), and the
cafeterias are bound to be crowded.

GRAPHICS NOTES:  A couple of messages have arrived from the graphic services

(1) Jeremy Steffler advises that the deadline for the Customer Service
and Waste Management Survey has been extended until Friday "to give more
people the opportunity to send in completed surveys. Surveys can be 
obtained from any of Graphic Services' Copy Centres across campus, via 
UWinfo (under Graphic Services) or by contacting Jeremy Steffler 
(jr2steff@novice, Ext. 5741). The department is still hoping to receive 
as many surveys as possible."

(2) Colette Nevin advises that the passport photo camera in Graphics Express
is out of order.  "We will not be able to offer the passport photo service
until further notice."  If you urgently need a photo, the central 
photographic studio, in the General Services Complex, will help you out 
(phone ext. 3253). 

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca