Daily Bulletin, Monday, March 6, 1995

WINTER drags on, and everybody seems to be sick.  Maybe instead of
National Professional Pet Sitters Week (no, I am not making this up)
we should just declare this National Virus Week, all go home and get
healthy, and reopen the university after Commonwealth Day?

But since spring (and summer) will come eventually, this is the week for
undergraduate students to preregister for courses.  Preregistration is also
running this week (March 6-10) for fall courses, and even -- boo! --
for next winter term.  Where?  With the advisor in your faculty or 
department.  Says the registrar's office:

     Information regarding advisors, times and places is listed in
     the Course Offerings List.  Separate lists have been prepared for
     Fall and Spring/Summer.  They can be obtained during the 
     pre-registration period from the department/faculty offices.
     Pre-registration allows you to select in March, the courses you
     wish to take in the May, July, September 1995, and January 1996

     If you are thinking of changing faculties next term, you should
     contact the appropriate advisor of the faculty to which you wish
     to transfer.

UWINFO HAS a new feature that will be of interest to people whose hardware
or software limits them to using the "gopher" rather than the World Wide
Web home page.  A new line on the gopher main menu says "UWinfo Webspace 
through 'lynx' (experimental) <HTML>", and what that means is that you
can select that line to reach the UWinfo material on the Web.  You won't
be able to see fancy graphics, of course, but the information is all there.
"Lynx" is a fairly simple program in which you mostly use the arrow keys
to move between pages of information.

INTERNATIONAL Women's Week is under way.  Event of interest today: at
noontime, Susan Wismer of UW's environment and resource studies department
speaks at the Kitchener Public Library, main branch, on "Women and the
Social Welfare Reforms".  The talk is part of a regular Monday series at
KPL presenting faculty from both UW and Wilfrid Laurier University.

"EDUCATING for the Ecozoic Era" is the title of a talk tonight, and the
subtitle is "The Role of the University in the Great Work".  The speaker
is Thomas Berry, cultural historian, who's giving the Francois Gerard
Inaugural Lecture.  It's sponsored by St. Paul's United College, of which
Gerard was principal, but is being held in Siegfried Hall of St. Jerome's
College, starting at 7:30 p.m.

SPORTS RESULTS:  The basketball Warriors lost to Guelph in the semifinals
of the OUAA tournament on the weekend.  Guelph went on to win the Ontario
championship.  The volleyball Warriors, competing in the CIAU national 
championships in Sudbury, placed fifth; Manitoba took the national title.
No results are on hand from other UW teams, including the swimmers, who
were at Universite Laval on the weekend for the national championships.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca