Daily Bulletin, Thursday, March 2, 1995

ON THE SECOND day of March and of Lent -- yes, yesterday was both Ash
Wednesday and St. David's Day, which I omitted to mention -- the sun is
shining and the Federation of Students is, more or less, moved into its
new office space on the west side of the Campus Centre.  The CC is not
quite complete, the main doors aren't open, there are boxes and obstructions
all over the place, but students are beginning to see the splendours of
the new building they're paying for.

The deadline is tomorrow in a Fed-sponsored contest to name the new
building.  Entry forms are available at the Fed office, and other locations
on campus.  Now what shall we call the place?  "Castle Codrington" is
probably not going to impress the judges.

CO-OP STUDENTS are invited to a get-together this afternoon with the
staff of the co-operative education department.  The Federation of Students
is behind that event too; it starts at 4:30 p.m. in the "comfy lounge"
on the third floor of the Math and Computer building.  "Look at it,"
suggests David Drewe of the Feds, "as a chance to prove to the coordinators
that you are worthy of special attention for that special job."  Or just
as a chance to enjoy free food and drink.

NEW VIDEOS from International Telefilm and the BBC are being screened
today and tomorrow by the audio-visual centre's media library.  Ten
screens are available, says organizer Mark Ritchie.  "Included will be
teaching materials, educational programs and business titles.  We'd like
to have a good turnout of faculty to see this material as the quality is
very high."  The demonstration is open from 9 to 12 and 1 to 4 today
and tomorrow in Davis Centre room 1301.

TELECONFERENCE:  A video conference by Peter Senge, author of the popular
book The Fifth Discipline, runs in three parts under the title "Applying
the Principles of the Learning Organization".  Part 2 is scheduled for
next Thursday, and UW is taking part, through the agency of the staff
training and development committee.  Staff or faculty members interested
in taking part (from 2 to 4:30 p.m. in Arts Lecture room 116) should
get in touch with Marg Letter in the human resources department, phone
ext. 6645.

FINALLY, although we had it on the front page of the Gazette yesterday,
don't bother trying to register for the "Explorations" tours of the
engineering faculty, aimed at junior high school students and set for
March 11.  The event is already greatly oversubscribed, the engineering
faculty reported this morning.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca