Sandie Hurlburt of the human resources department is reminding everybody who works here to return their Prudential enrollment forms -- which were supposed to be in by December 1, by the way. "This will ensure," she writes, "that pay-direct cards will be issued to them in early January."
Now some advice about emergency services from the health insurer during the Christmas holiday, particularly for people who are travelling outside Ontario. Up to December 31, Hurlburt says, use the 800 number that appears on your existing World Assistance Card from Liberty Health, the current insurance company. On and after January 1, use the emergency number for Prudential, which is (800) 368-7878 in the United States and (202) 331-1596 elsewhere. Also note: UW's group number with Prudential is 72199; the individual ID number is the same as the number you've had with Liberty, a nine-digit number starting with a zero.
As of a few minutes ago, 301 (or 36%) of the 832 ballots have been returned. For the vote on the amendments to the Constitution to be valid, we require 417 returned ballots. Ballots must be in the Staff Association office by Tuesday. Could you please make a note in the Daily Bulletin encouraging SA members to vote?Consider it done.
By now you may have received a blue single folded sheet of paper describing the Computing Services course offerings for January and February, and you might be wondering where the usual 8 to 12 page brochure is. That lengthy brochure, published 5 or 6 times a year, is a thing of the past.Confused? DCS can be reached at ext. 3420.For about six months, we have been publishing our Course Brochure on the Web, with a form for registration included. About 85% of our registrations are now coming from that Web form. We will continue to distribute the single page that merely lists the course names, dates and times, because there are some people who aren't familiar enough with the technology to register on-line.
"The issues which will be addressed are critically important in our large and increasingly complex workplace," the memo points out.
Chris Redmond
and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 ext. 3004