Daily Bulletin, Friday, April 28

LAST DAY:  It's the end the 1994-95 fiscal year today.  Financial
services says cash deposits to the cashier's office must arrive
by 2 p.m. today.  Deadlines for other 1994-95 transactions extend
into the early days of May.  Preliminary year-end financial
statements will be sent to departments on May 15, with the final
statements coming in July.

STREET PARTY:  Four UW students were among those charged after
the riot at the raucous street party near Wilfrid Laurier University
last weekend.

The UW students were charged with such offences as disturbing the
peace and drinking underage.  In total, 42 people were charged.
Six Waterloo police officers received minor injuries while
quelling the riot.  Two students were taken to hospital, one hurt
by an airborne brick and the other run over by car.

CAMPUS FOOD:  No food services outlets will be open for business
Saturday and Sunday (except the Village 1 cafeteria, Sunday from
11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. only).  Regular service at coffee shops and
cafeterias resumes on Monday, the first day of the spring term.

PHILOSOPHY:  Renato Christi of Wilfrid Laurier University comes
to campus this afternoon for a philosophy department colloquium
(Humanities room 334, 3:30 p.m.).  The title of his talk is in
the ancient language of philosophy, Latin: "Non iam frustra
doces, Thomas Hobbes!"

In fact, he's talking not only about Hobbes but also about a more
recent philosopher, Carl Schmitt, who was at once "an impenitent
fascist" in Nazi Germany and "the most brilliant public law
theorist Germany has ever produced."

COPY CENTRE:  All next week, the Dana Porter Library copy centre
will be open from 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.  Regular hours (8 a.m. to 8
p.m.) resume Monday, May 8.

BIG EVENT:  The biggest event of the conference season in UW's
residences takes place this weekend:  the annual "Women Alive"
religious gathering, with some 1,300 delegates expected.  Almost
as large is the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada youth
convention, coming in May 4-6 with some 1,200 young people.

PENSIONS:  The pension and benefits committee is meeting all
morning in Needles Hall to hear reports from the investment firms
that manage UW's $300 million pension fund.

John Morris, on behalf of Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 ext. 3004    credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca