Daily Bulletin, Thursday, April 27

URIF RESEARCHERS:  The dean of research is hosting a luncheon
today (in the Davis Centre lounge) to honour faculty members who
recently received awards from the Ontario government's University
Research Incentive Fund.

Among those attending the event will be Charles Pascal, deputy
minister of education and training, and Elizabeth Witmer, MPP for
Waterloo North, as well as the corporate partners involved with
the research projects.

Corporate representatives attending are from Alias Research
Inc., Monsanto Canada Inc., Monsanto Agricultural Co., Unitron
Ltd., Fiberglas Canada Ltd., Durisol Materials Ltd., Canada Brick,
Uniroyal Ltd., Ciba Geigy Canada Ltd.

Chemistry professor Victor Snieckus will speak on behalf of the
university's URIF recipients. Between June 1994 and January 1995,
13 UW professors have obtained URIF grants, with additional money
provided by corporate partners.

The URIF program seeks to encourage co-operative research
ventures by matching private sector funding with university-based
contract research.

For example, Snieckus has received $215,500 from URIF (plus
$240,000 from corporate partner Monsanto Canada Inc.) for a three-
year project to develop a second generation of fungicides.  These
fungicides are useful for controlling pests that cause damage to cereal
crops in Western Canada and the world.

Other URIF recipients expected at the event are Roy Pick,
professor of mechanical engineering; Eric Burnett, civil
engineering; John Straube, civil engineering; John Moffat,
chemistry; and Weiping Huang, electrical and computer

INVENTORY SHUTDOWN:  The bookstore and UW Shop will be
closed all day tomorrow for inventory, it being the last day of the
1994-95 fiscal year. Similarly, Graphics Express will be closed for
inventory from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. tomorrow.

REMINDER:  Students registering for the spring term can do so
today and tomorrow at the cashier's office in Needles Hall.  Next
week, undergraduate registration will be on the second floor of

LANDSCAPING:  A brown-bag seminar on "Low Maintenance
Naturalistic Landscaping" takes place at 12 noon today in Davis
Centre room 1350.  The speaker is Larry Lamb, of the
environmental studies faculty.  The event is the first in a series of
four brown-bag talks about gardening that are sponsored by the staff
association's social committee.  The second talk ("Composting and Vermi-composting") comes next Tuesday, May 2.

John Morris, on behalf of Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 ext. 3004    credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca