Daily Bulletin, Wednesday, April 26, 1995

THERE'S NO GAZETTE today -- regular publication will resume next
Wednesday, May 3.  There are also no Positions Available to be circulated
today, the human resources department says.

CHEMISTRY EVENT:  A major industrial research project at UW is
celebrated today with a colloquium to highlight current work, as well
as the dedication of new equipment donated by Monsanto Canada Inc.
and its American parent firm.  At the centre of the activity is Victor
Snieckus, the chemistry professor who holds the NSERC/Monsanto/UW
Industrial Research Chair in Chemical Synthesis and Biomolecule
Design -- in other words, the development of new chemicals for use in
agriculture and medicine.  

"For a synthetic chemist, it's a dream come true," says Snieckus about
successes that have so far come from his labs.  "A most satisfying
element for my students is to see fundamental discoveries made here at
Waterloo" and used especially in the pharmaceutical industry.  Today's
symposium is in the Davis Centre and in Snieckus's lab in the chemistry

TOWARDS RETIREMENT:  A series of retirement planning seminars will be
offered on May 2, 8 and 16, from 7 to 9 p.m. each evening, the human
resources department advises.

The first seminar, next Tuesday, is conducted by David Gillians, of
TD Trust, who will speak about estate and financial planning.  Also
that evening, a panel of retired staff and faculty members "will share
their experiences on financial and psychological adjustments to

The sessions are "of particular interest to faculty and staff who are
over age 45", an announcement says.  Attendance is limited to 30 people,
UW employees or spouses.  There's no charge, but participants should
pre-register with Wanda Speek in the HR department, phone ext. 3573.

IN THE LIBRARY:  A utilities shutdown will affect the Dana Porter
Library in various ways tomorrow, the plant operations department advises.
Chilled water will be shut off from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the "4th
through 11th floors" (gee, I always thought Dana Porter was a
ten-storey building), and low-pressure steam in the whole building
from 8 to 10 a.m.  The shutdown is to allow work on renovations to the
rare book area on the first floor.

GARDEN GROWS:  The first of four horticultural seminars sponsored by the
staff association's social committee is set for noontime tomorrow.  Larry
Lamb, of the environmental studies faculty, will talk about "low
maintenance, naturalistic landscaping"; the talk starts at 12:00 in
Davis Centre room 1350.  "Juice and coffee will be provided," says the
staff association, but "in the interest of recycling, please bring
your own mug."

AND FINALLY, apologies to those who read a version of the Daily Bulletin
yesterday with a vital word missing.  The result sounded rather like
one of those classical paradoxes:

     If you are here, you do not pay;
     if you are here, you do pay.

Correct version, of course, is as follows:
     If you are not here, you do not pay;
     if you are here, you do pay.

It's a rule governing whether students on exchange programs should be
assessed "incidental" fees.

Maybe the mistake demonstrates why I need a holiday.  Anyway, I'll be
away for the next couple of days; the Daily Bulletin will be prepared
Thursday and Friday by colleagues in Information and Public Affairs.  I'll 
return Monday.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 ext. 3004    credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca