Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, April 4, 1995

ANNE HARRIS, staff association stalwart based in the psychology
department, is marking a milestone today, I'm told.  Happy birthday!
And a nice cold day she has for it, too. . . .

UW'S BOARD of governors meets this afternoon, at 3:30 in Needles Hall
room 3001.  At each meeting (the board meets four times a year) there's
a presentation on some UW department, service or type of activity,
and today's is from the WatGreen program, by which students get
academic credit for projects that help the campus become more
environmentally responsible through improved recycling and similar

Also on the agenda are pension plan contributions; student fees, specifically
the "student services" or "ancillary" fee for 1995-96; and two matters
having to do with the "accountability" of universities.  One is a
document about how members of the board of governors are selected; the
other is a report to the Ontario government about how Waterloo sees
the recommendations of last year's provincial Task Force on
University Accountability.  Among its many details are assurances that
starting this year, the board of governors will be getting reports on
some matters it didn't previously consider regularly, including admission
standards and reviews of graduate programs.

AFTER the meeting, board of governors members will be heading over to
the Campus Centre, for the final, official ribbon-cutting and opening
of the new wing.  If the building is really getting a new name, that
would be the time for it to be announced.  The festivities and reception
are scheduled to run from 6 to 8 p.m.

OPEN MEETINGS:  Two forums of importance are happening at noon today,
both sponsored by "working groups" of the Commission on Institutional

In Davis Centre room 1351, the topic is graduate studies and research.
In Math and Computer room 5158, the topic is co-op education.  At both
forums, anyone with opinions or suggestions is invited to present them.
The working groups are preparing detailed ideas for consideration by
the Commission, which will eventually draft UW's next long-term plan.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca