Monday, January 24, 1994

GLASS MENAGERIE:  Announcing in Friday's Bulletin that the drama
department will be producing "The Glass Menagerie" February 9-12, I
asked, "Isn't it 'The Glass Menagerie' that features a sultry southern 
voice talking about "the kindness of strangers"?  Well, no, it isn't.
One correspondent quickly corrected us:  "I have this feeling that it's 
Blanche DuBois in 'A Streetcar Named Desire'. I have this mental image of 
Vivian Leigh sitting at a table saying, 'I have always depended on the 
kAHnd-ness of strangers' while fanning herself. It's said twice, once shortly 
after she arrives on her visit, and once near the end as they take her away."

And "The Glass Menagerie" does, it turns out, appear in a newer edition of
Bartlett's than the one in my office, so I present this quotation instead:

   Knowledge -- Zzzzzp!  Money -- Zzzzzp!  -- Power!  That's the 
   cycle democracy is built on!

SHARE A RIDE:  Several hundred people have so far filled out survey forms,
distributed last week, that asked about the possibility of a car-pool
system for people commuting to UW.  Says organizer Emese Kiss, an environment
and resource studies student who's managing the Share-a-Ride study:
"So far I received back 435 answers, out of which 101 would like to 
carpool.  I noticed a few disturbing things: people don't know how to 
fill out a survey, even if it is spelled out for them exactly what to do; 
others, who want to carpool, forget to fill out the personal information 
section, so I have no way of getting back to them. I have a feeling many 
don't take the time to read the first page which I think would be quite 

The survey form will be appearing as an ad in this Wednesday's Gazette,
giving several thousand students the opportunity to fill it out too.

HANG IN THERE:  This Wednesday is payday for faculty and monthly-paid staff
members.  And plan ahead for Monday, February 21, when nearly everybody is
off work for a "Social Contract day".

HE SAYS . . . SHE SAYS:  That UW-created play, about "acquaintance rape
and violence against women in relationships", will have a special performance
tomorrow morning -- Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages building, at
9:30 a.m. "This performance is a gift from the University of Waterloo and 
the performers to campus and community educators who are involved and working 
in the area of prevention of violence."  But all are welcome, and admission
is free.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004