Friday, January 21, 1994

RAE DAY COMING:  One month from today -- Monday, February 21 -- UW will be
closed for what's dubbed a "Social Contract day".  It's not a "holiday", but
an unpaid day off for faculty and staff, as part of the Social Contract cuts
to public sector payrolls.  Classes were already cancelled for that day, 
the Monday of the February reading period, so the "Rae day" arrangement means
that offices and most services will also be closed.

The UW libraries have announced that they will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
on a "study hall" basis, but no services (circulation, reference) will be
offered.  If there are other departments offering special or limited service
on February 21, please drop us a note so we can announce them in the Gazette
and Daily Bulletin as the date gets nearer.

NOM D'UN NOM:  Today's the deadline in the contest to find a name for the
new athletic complex on the north campus, which incorporates the existing
Columbia Icefield.  The complex has its official opening next Thursday.

COURSES FOR STAFF:  It'll be another few days before the brochure listing
winter term training programs for staff is out, says Katrina Maugham of the
personnel department.  Look for it late next week.  She notes that -- in
response to complaints from people who have had to dial, and dial, and
dial, trying to get registered in some of the more popular staff training
and development sessions, a new registration system is being tried this
term.  Instead of phoning, interested staff will send in a little form by
mail, and after a stated deadline, names will be drawn on a lottery basis.
Details are in the brochure.

PLAY'S THE THING:  A hot play for a cold time of year is "The Glass
Menagerie", to be produced February 9-12 by UW's drama department.  It runs
at 8 p.m. each of those nights in the Theatre of the Arts, and tickets are
on sale now ($10, students and seniors $8) from the Humanities box office.
Tennessee Willliams astonishingly isn't represented in our office copy of
Bartlett's Quotations, but isn't it "The Glass Menagerie" that features a
sultry southern voice talking about "the kindness of strangers"?

READERS OF this Bulletin on uw.general or uw.campus-news may like to know
that it's also available on UWinfo, the university's electronic "campus-wide
information system".  Previous days' Bulletins, dating back to May 1993,
are also accessible on UWinfo.

Contrariwise, those who read the Bulletin on UWinfo may be interested in
finding it on uw.general or uw.campus-news, both of which are Internet
newsgroups that also carry other UW campus discussions.  The text of the
Bulletin is identical through both media (except that typographical errors
get fixed, when noticed, on the UWinfo version).

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004