Friday, January 14, 1994

TWO REMEMBERED:  An event this afternoon will remember James and Diane
Ohi, who were killed in an automobile accident last August 6.  Jim Ohi 
was a PhD student in electrical and computer engineering; Diane Ohi was a 
systems design engineering graduate.  An award is being set up in their
memory, and details will be announced at the "memorial assembly", which
begins at 1:30 p.m. in Davis Centre room 1302.

WEEKEND'S EVENTS:  The basketball Athenas and Warriors have their home
opener of the season tomorrow.  The Warrior game is at 2 p.m. in the PAC
main gym, with the Athenas following at 4:00.  Both games are against 
Windsor.  The athletics department is hoping for a big fan turnout -- "the
3,000-fan challenge".

Meanwhile, the hockey Warriors will also be playing at 2 p.m. Saturday.
They face the Queen's Golden Gaels in the Columbia Icefield.  Sunday, the
hockey team hits the ice again to face the Royal Military College.

And doing their best on a different sheet of ice will be the 64 staff
and faculty members and friends taking part in the J. G. Hagey Bonspiel at
the Ayr Curling Club.  The annual sport-and-social event (with the emphasis
on the social, as even novices are welcome to sign up and curl) is marking
its 25th anniversary as a UW fixture.

On Sunday, it's karaoke in Mandarin, Cantonese and English at Federation
Hall from 6:30 p.m., and in the school of optometry it's Admission Night
from 7 to 9 p.m., a chance for potential students to see what optometry is
all about.  (And at 3 p.m. Sunday the 1993 Hagey Lecture by Andrea Lunsford
will be shown again on Rogers Cable TV, channel 20.)

KNOW ANY GHOSTS?  Jane Britton of the UW archives has received a letter
from a researcher in Ohio who is collecting stories of ghosts on college
and university campuses.  She isn't aware of any well-established ghost
tales at Waterloo, but if you know of any, you're invited to get in touch
with her (ext. 2445) -- not just for use by the Ohio fellow but to be
put on record as part of UW's lore.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004