Monday, January 10, 1994

CO-OP INFORMATION: Students returning from a work term and wishing to find 
out about the  changes to the co-op placement process are invited to attend 
a presentation outlining the details.  Sessions will be repeated over three 
days: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (January 11, 12 and 13) from 4:30
to 5:30 in Engineering Lecture Hall room 101.  The co-op department notes
that first-time co-op students will have the process explained to them during 
their regular Co-op Development seminars. 

COPYRIGHT LECTURE:  The 1993 Hagey Lecture, given by Andrea Lunsford under
the title "Intellectual Property in an Age of Information", will be broadcast
on Rogers Cable television tonight -- channel 20 on the cable system in
Kitchener-Waterloo -- at 9 p.m.

RRSP CONTRIBUTIONS:  As the deadline approaches for 1993 contributions to
Registered Retirement Savings Plans, under the baroque rules of the Income
Tax Act, many people will be wondering just how much they're allowed to
set aside in an RRSP.  A note from Linda Bluhm of UW's personnel department
may help: "You may obtain your 1993 RRSP room by contacting the Revenue
Canada TIPS line at 1-800-265-2577.  You will need to have your Social
Insurance Number ready.  More information on RRSP room can be obtained from
Personnel (ext. 3573) and will follow in an upcoming Pension & Benefits

ROOM REOPENS:  Asbestos removal has been completed on the ground floor of
the Dana Porter Library, and the microfilm and newspaper reading room,
which has been closed since mid-December, is reopening today, says the
library's facilities coordinator, Eric Boyd.

GRAD DENTAL PLAN:  The board of directors of the Graduate Student Association
meets this evening (Grad House, 6 p.m.) to continue discussions of the
proposed dental plan for grad students.  In view of petitions and second
thoughts that have been swirling around, the board isn't likely to rush
into taking a proposal to UW's board of governors, although a student
referendum late in the fall did support a costly dental plan.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004