Thursday, January 6, 1993

THE SNOW is falling.  Brian O'Riley, supervisor of the grounds section,
notes that his crew are doing their best to keep roads and walkways clear,
but with this kind of steady snow and deep cold, it's tough.  They're
trying one new thing this year, in an attempt to save a little money:
where there are wide stairways, as at the Physical Activities Complex,
it's now policy that only a part of the stair's width will be cleared.
And he advises people to use the cleared area, not go slithering down
uncleared steps and over snowdrifts, for their own safety.

Casual snow-shovellers can make $8.10 an hour any morning that there's
snow to clear.  Anyone interested should report at 7:30 to the grounds
section in the Central Services Building (enter via the courtyard, off
the ring road near Security).  Plenty of shovels are provided, O'Riley
says, but more people with strong backs are needed, and can get a couple
of hours' work easily.

TEACHING AWARDS:  Nominations for UW's Distinguished Teacher Awards for
1994 are due by February 4.  Nomination letters should be addressed to the
chairman of the DTA selection committee -- UW's provost, Jim Kalbfleisch
-- in care of the Teaching Resources and Continuing Education office in
Math and Computer room 4055.  Guidelines for DTA nominations are available
from that office, phone ext. 3132.

DEPARTMENT MOVES:  Here's a reminder that the department of religious
studies, which embraces UW's arts faculty and all four of the church
colleges, has moved its office.  The RS office is now in St. Jerome's
College room 103, where department secretary Rita Racanelli has two phone
numbers: ext. 2781 on the UW switchboard, or ext. 234 on the St. Jerome's
switchboard (884-8110).  The office is open 1 to 4:30 p.m. (Fridays 1 to
4 p.m.).

NAME AND NUMBER:  For a possible Gazette article, I'd like to hear from
staff, students and faculty members who have "vanity" licence plates on
their cars.  What do your plates say, what does it mean, and why did you
decide to strut your stuff in this way?  Thanks to those who responded to
this invitation in December, but we'd like a few more participants.  Replies
can be sent by e-mail to credmond@watserv1.

CO-OP INFORMATION:  Olaf Naese of the co-op department has announced that
students returning from a work term and wishing to find out about the  
changes to the co-op placement process are invited to attend a presentation 
next week outlining the details.  Sessions will be repeated over three dates, 
January 11, 12, and 13, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in Engineering Lecture Hall 101.
First time co-op students will have the process explained to them during 
their regular co-op development seminars. 

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004