Tuesday, January 4, 1994

WE'RE ALL IN our places, with bright shiny faces -- isn't that what the
schoolchildren used to chant? -- welcomed to campus for the new year
by the beauty of snow-glazed trees.  The arts pedestrian tunnel has been
reopened, the scent of fresh paint still noticeable as the giant cream-
and-brown helix has been renewed.  And at the Student Centre construction
site, there's still no hole in the ground, but chainsaws are whining this
morning to take out those of the trees that can't be saved or moved.

Winter term classes began at 8:30, including something called ANITA, or
A New Introduction to Accounting, that embraces Accounting 291 and 381 and
is messing with the minds of its students by inviting them to work with
clay pots and other physical objects to explore the philosophy of accounting.
Look for a Gazette article about ANITA in a few weeks.

REGISTRATION also starts today and runs through Thursday.  After that,
students are liable to pay late fees (and the final registration date is
January 31).  Undergraduate students register and pick up course schedules 
and OSAP in the Upper Blue Activity Area in the Physical Activities Complex 
from today through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

GRADUATE students picking up certificates from the Ontario Student Assistance 
Plan for the winter term will be able to register and pick up these funds at 
the cashier's office, first floor, Needles Hall, today through Thursday.  
After this date they should check with the student awards office.

STAFF ASSOCIATION:  The staff association office in the General Services
Complex is closed for vacation until January 18.  Association members who
need help or information are advised to get in touch with any member of the
  President, Sharon Adams, urban and regional planning, ext. 3185
  Past president, Linda Norton, computer science, ext. 4464
  President-elect, Sharon Lamont, Davis Centre library, ext. 3519
  Vice-president, Anne Harris, psychology, ext. 2032
  Treasurer, Iris Strickler, computer science, ext. 3055
  Secretary, Karen Musselman, economics, ext. 3305
  Directors, William Anderson, civil engineering, ext. 3265
             Brenda Law, operations analysis, ext. 5042
             Cameron McDonald, data processing, ext. 6061
             Marius Van Reenen, mechanical engineering, ext. 3328

SPORTS RESULTS:  The hockey and basketball Warriors were both in major
tournaments over the holiday period.  Both teams advanced to the championship
games in their tournaments, but both lost, and in both cases to the University
of Western Ontario Mustangs.  In basketball, it was a 77-68 loss for a team 
that had previously beaten Prince Edward Island.  In hockey the Warriors
were on the short end of a 3-2 score, after defeating York and Guelph in
earlier games.  Other sports news will presumably trickle in over the next
day or two.

MEETING TODAY:  The executive committee of UW's senate meets today (3:30,
Needles Hall 3004 as usual) to set the agenda for the January meeting of
senate.  At least two major issues are on the agenda.  One is the revision
of UW's Policy 46, about promotion of faculty members; this draft has been
years in the making and has finally emerged from the faculty relations
committee for consideration by the official governing bodies of the university.
The other issue is the English language requirement for students entering
UW whose first language isn't English.  A proposal to increase the use of
the TOEFL (the American-based Test of English as a Foreign Language) came
to senate in December and was turned down.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004