Daily Bulletin, Friday, February 25, 1994

IT'S PAYDAY, it's Purim, it's a sunny Friday, and it's chilly enough
that the warmth of the bonfire will be welcome tonight when the UW Outers
Club gathers at the Laurel Creek barbecue pit across from Environmental
Studies (7:00) -- hot cider provided.

CO-OP PLACEMENTS:  Co-op job matches for the spring work term are
to be posted today.  Actually, says Olaf Naese of the co-op department,
the first list to go up, around noon, will be the names of students who
haven't yet been placed for spring.  Then around 3:00 the department will
be posting its list of successful placements (in Needles Hall, Engineering
Lecture, and Math and Computer).  Successful students will be meeting with
their coordinators on Monday to do the paperwork; those who don't have jobs
yet will attend information meetings, also on Monday, to hear about the
"continuous placement" process that runs for the rest of this term.  Naese
reports that there are already some 240 jobs on file for the continuous
placement phase, so unplaced students shouldn't be giving up hope.

GIFT FROM GM:  Being announced today is "a joint initiative" involving UW,
the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, and General Motors
of Canada Ltd. for "an industrial research chair in quality and productivity",
to be held by Jerry Lawless of the statistics and actuarial science
department.  As with other industrial chairs, a combination of NSERC and
industry money pays the chair-holder's salary and provides support for
research that he will carry on over the next five years.

OLYMPIC PRIDE:  As the Winter Olympics wind down, Waterloo can take pride
in its own Olympian.  A 1990 graduate from the environment and resource 
studies department was a member of Canada's speed skating team. Ingrid
Liepa, who now lives in Calgary, placed 28th in the 1,000 metre race on
Wednesday in Lillehammer.
MEDIA PREVIEW:  The media library in UW's audio-visual centre is holding a
"preview day" today (the activity also took place yesterday).  Major
distributors, including International Telefilm Enterprises and the BBC,
will bring a selection of new material for interested faculty to examine.
There are new titles in most subject areas, says Mark Ritchie of the A-V
centre.  "All faculty are welcome to drop in for a preview or to talk about
their needs with the distributors' representatives and the media library
staff."  The event runs 9 to 12 and 1 to 4:30 in Davis Centre room 1301.

GRADS ARE LIVELY:  The Graduate Student Association has a couple of good
things going this weekend.  Tonight at the Grad House, an enthusiastic 
note advises, "You can Boogie those February Blues away with the Pandemonium 
Blues Band."  The music ("classic blues, rock and boogie") starts at 9:30.  
Then tomorrow, if you're energetic after a night of partying, comes the
first annual GSA curling bonspiel at the Elora Curling Club -- beginners
welcome, and the day starts with an instructional session.  Last-minute
information comes from dclausi@monet.

ALSO THIS WEEKEND:  Acrobat Jim Jackson in "Sole's Balance", a kids' show
from Waterloo Showtime, in the Humanities Theatre at 1 p.m. Saturday.
"Legacy '94", celebrating Black History Month, also in Humanities, at
3 p.m. Sunday.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca