Daily Bulletin, Thursday, February 17, 1994

ELECTION RESULTS:  Steve Codrington, a former president of the Engineering
Society, will be the 1994-95 president of the Federation of Students.
He's the winner of balloting over the past two days, the Fed office
reports this morning.

Christine Dewhurst, one of his running-mates, was elected to the post of
vice-president (operations and finance) for the Federation in the coming
year.  But his other running-mate was defeated; instead Julie Cole, from
the opposing team, will be vice-president (university affairs) for the
coming year.

We haven't received results this morning from the election of student
senators, or from the mathematics student referendum on a $31.42-per-term
fee to support a quality-of-education endowment.

SKUNK WAS RABID:  The skunk that was captured on campus last Thursday,
after trying to attack several people, did have rabies, the health
authorities confirmed yesterday.  That led the UW police to issue a warning
bulletin --

	to advise anyone who had contact with the animal last Thursday,
	to contact Health & Safety as soon as possible, and advise
	them of the circumstances of the contact.

	This is also a reminder to all members of the university community
	that should they, at any time, notice an animal acting in a
	strange or aggressive manner, they should remain well away from
	the animal and report it immediately to the University of Waterloo
	Police at ext. 4911 or to Health & Safety at ext. 3541.

To repeat: if you were in contact with the skunk, call health and
safety right away, or see your doctor.

INTENTION TO GRADUATE:  If you're a student planning to graduate this
spring (diploma, proud family, convocation pomp, scary decisions about
the future) you should be filling out an Intention to Graduate form.  The
official deadline is March 1.  In yesterday's Gazette we had a notice
about this form, specifically directed to graduate students but with a
somewhat confusing headline.  So please take note: if you're planning
to receive a graduate degree (PhD, MA, MASc) this spring, get your Intention
to Graduate form from the graduate office on the third floor of Needles
Hall, or from your department.  If you're planning to receive an undergraduate 
degree, get your form from the registrar's office on the second floor.  
Do it now.  Spring convocation is set for May 25, 26, 27 and 28.

FINANCE COMMITTEE:  The UW senate finance committee heard some general
background about the university's financial affairs yesterday afternoon.  It
couldn't get very specific because universities are still waiting for big
decisions from the Ontario government about the size of their grants, and
the levels of tuition fees, for 1994-95.

UW provost Jim Kalbfleisch did have one new piece of bad news to report.
The province has decided how it's going to reclaim the $58 million per year
that it says is being spent on "additional qualifications" courses for
teachers in ten Ontario universities (not including UW).  The money will
come out of the overall grants to universities.  That take-back will cost
Waterloo about $1 million in 1994-95, and more than $4 million a year by
1997-98.  "I don't think there's any hope that this will change," Kalbfleisch
said, "but we have to press our objection anyway."

CAMPUS DAY:  The annual Campus Day, when high school students and their
parents visit Waterloo by the hundreds, is set for the Ides of March:
Tuesday, March 15.  The organizers are looking for several people to drive
minibuses on campus that day; anyone interested in earning a few dollars
doing that can call Gail Ruetz at ext. 3614.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca