Tuesday, February 8, 1994

SOCIAL CONTRACT DAY:  The provost issued a memo yesterday with the
official word on the university's coming "Rae Day", Monday of the week
after next.  Text of the memo:

	Because of budget reductions under the Social Contract, the
	University of Waterloo will be closed on Monday, February 21,
	1994.  This will be an unpaid day for most UW employees, and
	will count as a paid holiday for those not required to take
	unpaid days.

	St. Jerome's and St. Paul's Colleges will also be closed on
	February 21st, but Conrad Grebel and Renison Colleges will
	be open.

	Generally, the services available on February 21st will be as
	on a normal holiday Monday.  Department offices will be
	closed.  Food Services will be available only in the residences
	and Church Colleges.  The PAC and other athletics facilities
	will be closed except for community bookings of the arena.
	The Campus Centre will be open.  The Library will be open with
	a skeleton staff only to allow access to study space.

If departments have any other announcements about special arrangements
for February 21, will they please send them to me as soon as possible
so they can be announced in the Daily Bulletin and in next week's

The Gazette is also hoping to publish an article about how individual
faculty and staff intend to use this extra mid-winter day off.  Comments
can be sent to credmond@watserv1.

TALKING ABOUT FEES:  The Federation of Students is holding a forum on
proposed "ancillary" fees for student services, starting at 10 this morning
in the great hall of the Campus Centre.  A similar forum is set for the
same time tomorrow.  And tomorrow at 3:30, the Graduate Student Association
holds a forum on the same subject in Davis Centre room 1351.

NAC PRESIDENT SPEAKS:  Sunera Thobani, president of the National Action
Committee on the Status of Women, is to speak at UW tonight (Engineering
Lecture Hall room 101, 7 p.m.).  Thobani is from India, and "has shown how
the NAC's policy for racial inclusiveness is a strong priority", says
Tammy Speers of the UW women's centre, which is sponsoring the visit.

WPIRG FILMS:  A film series sponsored by the Waterloo Public Interest
Research Group runs all this week.  Today at noon, to tie in with Thobani's
visit, the theme is "Women in Development".  Tomorrow at noon and 5:30,
"Environment" is the theme.  Films are shown in Davis Centre room 1302;
there is a $1 admission charge.

CHINESE NEW YEAR:  As the Year of the Dog grows nearer, another party is
scheduled tonight in Federation Hall, this one sponsored by five student
associations from UW and Wilfrid Laurier University (Chinese, Hong Kong,
Taiwan, and Singapore-Malaysian).  Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, and a final
Fed Hall celebration is coming, hosted by the Chinese Student and Scholars
Association.  Check tomorrow's Gazette for some personal recollections of
Chinese New Year and what it means to a few people at Waterloo.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004