Monday, February 7, 1994

IN THE NEWS:  UW hit the front page of Saturday's Globe and Mail, and has
had other media attention over the weekend, because of last week's decision
by authorities here to cut off access to five sex-oriented computer

As quoted in the newspapers, supporters and opponents of the decision both
feel strongly. "We are talking about the worst child pornography you could
imagine," Tammy Speers of the UW women's centre told the Globe.  But Jeff
Shallit, a computer science professor, spoke of academic freedom -- as well
as the impracticality of blocking access to anything over the computer
Internet these days -- and announced the founding of Electronic Frontier
Canada, to promote freedom "as new computing, communications, and information
technologies emerge".

Arguments also raged on local newsgroups such as uw.general -- arguments
many of which have been heard before, particularly when UW took steps against
rec.humor.funny in 1988 and against sexual newsgroups in 1990.  Flagellation,
necrophilia, bestiality . . . really, it's just beating a dead horse.

WHAT A CARD (1): The office of alumni affairs is promoting the Bank of 
Montreal UW MasterCard this week in South Campus Hall. "Everyone who fills 
out an application at the booth during this promotion will be given a 
complimentary gift in appreciation of their support," says Judy Mann, 
coordinator of the program. The revenue generated from the program supports 
the distribution of the Alumni Magazine to alumni, faculty and staff four 
times a year. "Without the support of the more than 5,600 cardholders this 
wouldn't be possible," says Mann. Staff are available to answer any questions 
or to help interested people fill out an application from Tuesday through 
Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the main floor in SCH. If you have any
questions about the program you can call Mann at ext. 5310.

WHAT A CARD (2): It's Lighten Up Canada Day, according to promoters who
say (and ain't it the truth) that Canadians need a laugh or two in the middle
of February.  Thousands of red noses are for sale, which should be enough
to make anybody chortle through the snow.  But the South Campus Hall gift
shop doesn't have a single red nose in stock, we're sorry to say.

STAFF TRAINING:  Today's the last day, the personnel department says, to
send in your registration for the one-day staff training programs offered 
this term.  "On Tuesday we will be drawing names for all available spaces 
under our new lottery system," Katrina Maugham of personnel notes.  A 
brochure listing the sessions -- ranging from "The Organized Employee" to 
"StreetSmart for Women" went out to staff last week.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004