Thursday, February 3, 1994

JEST A FEW NOTES about FASS '94, which opened last night in the Humanities

The core of the show is very serious stuff, as one might expect from
a group with a three-decade history of staging original musical comedy
and satire.  It offers a detailed explanations of how Maclean's magazine 
determined its ratings for the universities, and it unveils what will
surely be UW's most popular course before long -- SuperHeroes 121.

Enumerated are six sins of university: dishonesty, procrastination (who didn't
show up), apathy, conformity, ignorance, and geekiness, "which I think was
the most feared", our agent comments.  Posing as a Tetris game helped the 
heroes escape from the virus checkers; Zipper Boy saved the day.

Like this kind of stuff?  FASS runs again tonight at 8, Friday at 7 and
10, and Saturday at 8.  The Humanities box office has tickets.

TAX CERTIFICATES:  Full-time students can pick up their Tuition and
Education Certificates (that's form T2202A, in the catchy jargon of Revenue
Canada) starting today.  They're available on the second floor of Needles
Hall.  As of 9:30 there was no visible lineup -- apparently tax breaks
aren't as popular as marks reports, which drew big crowds a couple of weeks
ago.  Students registered through Renison and St. Jerome's Colleges will
find their T2202A's at their colleges, and part-time students (as well as
co-op students on work term) will get their documents in the mail.

FEE FORUMS:  Catherine Coleman, president of the Federation of Students,
is wondering what she has to do to get any student comment or interest in
the prospect of "ancillary" fees to pay for student services.  Forums to
air the issue have drawn almost nobody so far.  But, ever hopeful, she has
announced two more such forums -- next Tuesday and Wednesday (February
8 and 9), both starting at 10 a.m. in the Campus Centre great hall.  The
Graduate Student Association has its own forum set for Wednesday afternoon.

LUCKY SEVEN:  The hockey Warriors, now 11-6-2, have won six games in a
row, and will go for seven tonight, hosting the Brock Badgers at 7:30 in
the Columbia Icefield.

If you don't like hockey, or FASS, you can hear John Manley, federal
minister of science, industry and technology, at 7:30 at the Valhalla Inn
in downtown Kitchener; he's brought to town by the Liberal Party.  Other
possibilities tonight include a showing of Korean films by the UW film
society (East Campus Hall, 7:00).

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004