Daily Bulletin, Friday, May 20, 1994

WHAT A WEEKEND!  The weather looks just about right for a Victoria Day
weekend of gardens and barbecues.  As you honour Victoria, Queen and
Empress, born May 24, 1819, please note that there will be no fireworks
show on campus.  For that display, you'll have to wait until Canada Day.

Monday, May 23, is a public holiday and a university holiday.  Classes
will not be held, most staff will not be at work, and offices and most
services will be closed.  The libraries will be closed all day Monday (open
the usual hours Saturday and Sunday).  

Steve Breen of computing services notes that the DCS input-output room
will also be open Saturday and Sunday as usual, but closed on Monday.
"If you notice an outage of the campus computer network or any major
DCS-maintained computing facility during this period, you can report it by
telephoning the DCS HelpDesk at 888-4839. If the outage has a severe
impact on the university computing environment and the appropriate
facility-support personnel can be contacted, the problem will be
addressed; otherwise, it will be pursued Tuesday morning."

The university police, 888-4911, will be on duty all weekend as usual.
Emergency maintenance calls will reach the central plant at ext. 3793.

COPYRIGHT AGREEMENT:  UW officials are signing a contract today with
CanCopy, the Canadian Reprography Collective, that gives faculty, students
and staff here permission to make copies of most copyright material.  CanCopy
is a "collective" of authors and publishers, and issues licences for 
activities that would otherwise be violations of copyright.

Wilfrid Laurier University and the University of Guelph are also signing
CanCopy "blanket agreements" today.  All are based on a model contract
worked out by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada.

Robin Banks, associate provost (academic affairs), said UW will pay $2.50
per year for each student for the copyright permissions it's receiving.
He also said UW will be pushing the federal government to amend the Copyright
Act to give a broader and clearer definition of "fair dealing", the kind
of copying that doesn't require permission or the payment of royalties.
Fair dealing is usually considered to include making a single photocopy of
a reasonable amount of text, but the limits aren't well defined.

RIGHT ON THE VCR:  The computing services department is watching a videotape
at its Professional Development Seminar this morning: "Tap the Power of
Teamwork", selected from the tape library in UW's human resources department.
"I intended to preview just a small part of the video," writes Bob Hicks of
DCS, who's moderator for today's session, "but was so intrigued that I
watched the whole thing."  Human resources has dozens of video and audio
tapes, on topics from "How to Delegate Work" to "Power Talking Skills".  A
list can be found on UWinfo.  Marg Letter at ext. 6645 can provide more
information, and she's the person to call to borrow a tape.

CHECKING IN:  Two new conferences start today at the UW conference centre
in Village 2:  the Ontario Folk Dance Camp, some 125 light-footed folks,
and the Ontario Ringette Try-Out Camp, about 60 people.

BIRTHDAY greetings, finally, to Pat Rowe, the dean of graduate studies, and
Tim Topper of the civil engineering department.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca