Daily Bulletin, Monday, May 16, 1994

CO-OP STUDENTS have a big day: the first posting of available jobs for the
fall term will go up in Needles Hall, Engineering Lecture, and Math and
Computer at 10 this morning.  The second posting comes on Wednesday and the
third on Friday.

And at 4:30 tonight there's an organizational meeting of Students Advising
Co-op, the advisory council "through which co-op students may liaise with
co-op administrators" and that seeks "to ensure students' views are
represented and that students partake in the decision making process 
regarding cooperative education".  SAC is reorganizing itself under the
auspices of the Federation of Students board of academic affairs, and can be
reached at sac@undergrad.math or sac@108.watstar, or through its mailbox in
the Federation office in the Campus Centre.  Today's meeting is in Needles
Hall room 1030.

GEOLOGISTS HERE:  The joint annual meeting of the Geological Association of
Canada and the Mineralogical Association of Canada is under way, with some
1,000 earth scientists being housed at the Village 2 conference centre today
through Wednesday.  Among major events at the conference is a lecture tonight
(7:15) in the Theatre of the Arts by William Fyfe, president of the
International Union of Geological Sciences. He'll talk about human demands
on air, water and soils.   Everyone is welcome.

MEETING TODAY:  The university senate meets this evening in Needles Hall
room 3001 -- there's a reception at 7 p.m., since it's the first meeting for
many newly-elected senate members, and the meeting begins at 8.  On the
agenda is the creation of an "ad hoc committee on graduate student
supervision", to look at issues around the quality of graduate teaching.
The budget will be discussed, on its way to the June meeting of the board
of governors.

And there's a confidential session that will hear reports from three
nominating committees -- those that have been looking at the appointment
of deans in engineering, science, and mathematics.  All three incumbents
are eligible to be reappointed.

The engineering faculty council meets at 3:30 today (Carl Pollock Hall room
3385) with a cheerful item on the agenda: "Implementation Schedule for the
Environmental Studies Program (this has now been approved by the Province)."
UW was already committed to offering the environmental engineering program,
but government approval means it can be included in the calculation of
provincial grants -- not that there will be any new money, as Waterloo is
already beyond its enrolment limit under the current formula.

A Pakistani Student Association holds an organizational meeting at 6 p.m.
in Modern Languages room 119.

UTILITY NOTES:  Two minor shutdowns are scheduled for Biology 1.  Today
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., chilled water (cooling) will be turned off in
rooms 177, 371 and 376.  Tomorrow from 8 to 11 a.m., deionized water will
be turned off in rooms 290 and 291.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca